@ Chris Matchett
@ Chris Matchett
“There will be less buses.”
Will there be fewer buses compared to before the introduction of the CC?
Also, would that mean that car drivers were indeed subsidising buses?
“Road improvement schemes will be cancelled.”
What on earth! How did we afford them before the CC?
“Taxes will go up”
Assuming it does, it tends towards making the rest of your input redundant – so make up your mind.
Don’t ignore the fact that traffic lights were randomised around London sometime before the introduction of the CC, then corrected again within the newly introduced CC zone.
“For those posting that Boris knows what he is doing.”
Perhaps he doesn’t, but he is acting upon what he is hearing – which is exactly what we want from a public servant.
“So all you people who voted to remove the zone: get ready for a great big fat "I told you so" in 2012.”
Would those be the same people who didn’t want their money wasted (in their opinion) on 2012?
I doubt you are a car driver: “the rest of us to help pay for *your* journey”…” to pay for *your* road schemes”; although you might be an owner:
“I live in West Lonodn … Right in the corner of the Western Extension too.”. Couple this with: “People living in the West Central will lose their 90% residents discount for the Central zone. “, either way it would explain why you’re so bitter about people being taxed less.
Last but far from least: “Journeys will take longer.”
I don’t know about you, but I prefer to wait an additional 30 minutes (and that’s being really generously pessimistic) for the extra £8 cash in hand each day. That must work out to be about £24 per hour before taxes.
Twice again, well done Boris. Democracy in action - long may it continue!