Let me get this straight...
The value of TPB plummets after tPB is used to share the intellectual property of TPB?
Now that's what I call irony
134 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
The BCS has a wide remit and while I agree that some BCS members have been comic I don't think we can criticise them too much for this effort. This is the sort of activity the BCS is set up to do and if it has any effect on this issue then it it will have been worthwhile. They won't be able to control the law so it's a realistic goal to create a best practice badge. Hopefully pie-eyed CIOs will be falling over themeselves to add the badge to their pride and improve things from the current state of frontier Frank Spencerism.
I was only getting 3.12GB out of my 4GB before upgrading to the 64 bit OS. Things are running a bit faster too. I want 64 bit Flash so I can ditch 32 bit MSIE - not to see Flash running that tiny bit better. I'm using MSIE for certain web-based apps that require Active X still.
Thanks for the link Tom but that's for Linux only.
Sarah, is Chris Thomas's post really getting past moderation these days?
... that all the new OS's from M$ since 2002 don't have this bug. Inference is that they are slowly learning to program more secure operating systems. There's little point criticising M$ for something they have already learnt from.
If Windows 7 has some design flaw leading to security holes then you'd expect them to sort that out by the time Windows 8 rolls along.
"... it now supports heterogenous graphic adapters (so you can have a card from Nvidia and one from ATI at the same time) "
Why would anyone want that? People don't want 2 graphics cards of differing origin any more than they would want 2 graphics cards of the same type. In fact people don't want graphics cards at all. They want nicer looking faster images on their screen.
You can probably guess that I'm revising for my ITIL v3 Bridge but you/MS seem to have listed functions of Windows 7 but none of the Utility for me. Why does MS think that I want these new features? What am I going to do with them?
So I can start and switch between applications in both XP and W7 fairly quickly.
I can connect other devices but still have to use iTunes (or iTunes type software) for my iPod. W7 might let me control my TV using my WinMo phone. Why would I want to? I could do that using infra-red and some software on many phones already and that existing technology hasn't made any difference.
I can connect to private networks without using a VPN in W7? Well I can connect to private networks using a VPN in XP. End result: connected to private network. Why would I give a toss that it was using VPN, VPL, a thong or commando?
It's faster, more stable, more useful and out of beta.
In any case - what's the use of iPlayer on a phone when fair use 'unlimited' data plans only offer 500Mb or so. One hour of streaming audio at stereo clocks 60Mb (that's over 10% of Vodafone's monthly max). So now you want to use this for streaming video too?
And they spend the rest on stuff like the DVLA and picking motorists out of central reservation barriers.
Not only do I pay my own way, I do it in a less selfish and more environmentally friendly manner than the average car driver. And believe me that most car drivers are very average.
Right in the corner of the Western Extension too. I am not impressed with either BoJo nor a large part of Daily Mail/Express/Star/Sun reading numpties who voted to get rid of the zone.
Traffic will go up. Journeys will take longer. There will be less buses. Road improvement schemes will be cancelled. Taxes will go up (for *everyone* not just car drivers).
Business will still go bust (hello recession?). Lots of tiny shit shops have gone but they were shit and useless anyway. Market stalls (Portobello) are being hit but that's cos there are less tourists and Supermarkets are beating them on price in many cases. There's still not enough parking anyway so genuine shoppers still have to walk or take public transport anyway.
People living in the West Central will lose their 90% residents discount for the Central zone.
Also don't ignore the fact that roadworks in this area have rocketed in the past two years while 'comparative' statistics have been collected. When they complete in the next year or so then the journey times will reach their potential under the C Charge before falling back to shit levels when the charge is removed. Roadworks including a multi-million pound replacement of water pipes by Thames Water and a major luxury flats, roadwork re-layout and gas mains replacement at Knightsbridge (reducing 3 lanes to 1).
For those posting that Boris knows what he is doing. Take a look back over his term so far. Not showing up to meetings. Hiring then immediately firing deputies. Trying to fob off transport onto a deputy.
So all you people who voted to remove the zone: get ready for a great big fat "I told you so" in 2012.
@Nathan Dennis: "As for the subsidies on public transport, pay what it costs to use it, dont expect the rest of us to help pay for your journey to work."
Don't expect my taxes to pay for your road schemes, bridges, traffic lights etc then.
@AC 15:29: Democracy in action means that I don't have to STFU. I live in the area. Do you? No? Then STFU yourself.
...but the wife won't let me use it until Xmas. Meanwhile I'm still on my WM6 Pro 750v which IS a touchscreen device contrary to the opening paragraph in this review.
Another error is that you don't have to hold down option to type numbers or symbols. Just press once and then the next characters is a number/symbol. Press Option twice and it locks. Same with the Shift.
The phone is already out on Vodafone under the business section or upgrades. Got mine for £99 on a 18 month £16 a month contract. Or the wife's contract rather hence no serious playing with the thing until Xmas.
They ain't perfect but certainly a lot better than this and other examples I have seen from OU.
A collegue did an OU course and all the questions were about obsolete technology that wasn't reelevant to the central topics nor useful to any professional.
Birkbeck do have a decentish IT department too. I did my degree with them while holding down a full time job.