* Posts by Nathan Dennis

11 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Nov 2008

Beware 'mobile elbow', sawbones warn

Nathan Dennis
Paris Hilton

new era of evolution

I was almost worried about the blood not flowing through the nerves until I remembered that blood flows through arterties and viens and there associated structures.

Most IT workers are screwed neuoroligically thanks to spending all day hunched over a keyboard rolling the shoulders forward and sticking the chin out. The mobile use is the icing on the cake of injury.

Paris - she's an anatomical expert

Google Chocolate Factory patents Data Center Navy

Nathan Dennis
Paris Hilton

they missed a bit

I had a quick scan of the patent and there appears to be no mention of how this data centre connects to anything.

So in essence, its a cargo ship as without bandwidth it a chocolate teapot of a data centre.

Paris, equally as effective as a data centre

Dragons' Den winner infringed own patent, IPO rules

Nathan Dennis
Paris Hilton

Two Words......

Due Diligence !

What this actually shows is that the "dragons" arent all there cracked up to be. The first rule of investing is to make sure the pitch checks out.

Paris, even she looks before she leaps.

Apple preps Jobsian magic wand

Nathan Dennis
Paris Hilton

@Rolf Howarth

"You guys obviously still don't get how patents work. The novel feature isn't having a gadget with an accelerometer you can wave about, a la Wiimote, it's the application thereof to control a media centre (eg. zooming in to photos, or choosing songs to purchase from a music store). You need to read what the actual claims are."

I can only assume you have never actually used a Wii and made your own character or navigated around the Wii menus or played Sims with rotations of items, zooming etc etc ad infinitum.

You might be surprised to learn that the Wii can also connect to the interweb thingy and do all sorts of stuff using that medium as well so how using a Wii to access online services like a shop selling music would infringe an Apple patent is beyond me, unless the concept of buying stuff online is now patentable!

Paris, because the monkey is flying the aeroplane in her world as well!

UK boffin: Social networking causes cancer, heart attacks, lupus, dementia...

Nathan Dennis
Paris Hilton

it has bugger all to do with Psychology!

The reason we have all these diseases increasing in prevalance is simple, we spend too much time sitting down expending no energy and our food sources are high in sugars we dont need (even the low calorie ones) and a whole host of chemicals and other crap that arent needed either.

Emotional wellbeing plays a part in health, but the main issue is activity or the lack of, so if your a sad f***er and you take no exercise your doubly screwed!

Modern living is whats killing us and our children, the fact we sit on our arses using electronic forms of social networking is not really relevent its the complete lack of physical activity and the sheer amount of labour saving devices out there.

Paris, at least her networking has a physical side!

Salesforce.com outage exposes cloud's dark linings

Nathan Dennis


"I think you'll find that there is no garantuee as to the safety of your data in that 'well looked after, heavily DR supported system' of yours. You see, back-ups cost money. Things that cost money, especially things that don't have immediately apparent consequences (like not making back-ups) have an annoying tendency to get cut."

err, any SAAS seller is going to be out of business fairly fast if they dont have decent DR and real time off site data backup

"Local database, with redundancy, encrypted and off-site back-ups is still the only reasonably secure way to go."

Depends on your rate of data flow, even a loss of 24 hours between backup and failure can cripple a business.

We do SAAS for the management of Yoga/Pilates/FItness facilities around the world, none of those sectors are renowned for there IT capabilities, data backups or budget for there own hardware, servers, offsite back up etc etc. I have had people in tears on the phone who didnt bother with back ups and then had there comp stolen or destroyed, doesnt happen now.

"And anybody who runs a database and fails to back-up regularly deserves to be shot anyways."

On that we agree.

Nathan Dennis
Paris Hilton


We used to sell old style database software but as our clients where not exactly IT skilled they routinely screwed the pooch.

We went SAAS 5 years ago and now our IT unintelligent clients cant mess up there own DB's

Outages happen, but I would rather lose connectivity for a while with a well looked after, heavily DR supported system than have a hard drive meltdown and realise I havent backed up for a week.

As for mobile net access, most sales teams sell into developed markets, there isnt a lot of scope for widget purchases in Mogadishu for many sales teams to worry about online access in places with no mobile connectivity, even then there is Sat broadband at a cost.

And what happens when some Chav hoodie mugs you and steals your Psion?

Paris, the ultimate SAAS application!

Santa booted from iPhone app store

Nathan Dennis
Gates Halo

Iphone 3g, sense of humour not included!

no surprise that iphone users have a total sense of humour failure really.

Had he uses the Kevin "bloody" Wilson song he probably would have made his $250,000 and then some!

In fact an Iphone app that randomly inserts his songs as ringtones would be awesome. Imagine the look on the face of the ubercool iphone jockey when his phone starts to blare out "mick me mate the master farter, with his true pitch perfect, double jointed arse"

Bill for the iphoners out there!

Armed anti-paedophile cops swoop on video site uploader

Nathan Dennis
Thumb Down

This makes Wacky Jacky look like an amateur

Considering the plod have made much of the convictions they get from people uploading speeding and stunt videos on Youtube I can see legions of our thought police scanning the sites looking for videos.

Beware all of you who posted the video of the large south african MP collapsing a chair, you'll be done for racism. fatism and probably conspiracy to commit criminal damage. Good job he wasnt a kid really.

Boris cans congestion extension

Nathan Dennis

About time the extension went but why does it take so long?

The extension to the zone has killed so many small business's in the extension its frightening. I did an evaluation of business turnover in my sector when the first zone went in and saw revenue drops of 25% across the board, the western extension was worse as the business's where more dependent on trade having transport.

Bendy buses are also a joke, by making buses easier to get on and by making the green man last longer at the lights the elderly get weaker and weaker resulting in more falls and more hip fractures. The cost to the NHS over the next few years will be massive.

As for taking so long to remove it, why not switch it off tomorrow? After all, the public dont want it, business dont want it and most of the muppets who support it arent affected by it in the first place.

The lost revenue will be more than made up by the increased revenues from parking, corporation tax on business doing more trade, less business going bust etc etc.

As for the subsidies on public transport, pay what it costs to use it, dont expect the rest of us to help pay for your journey to work.

Apple sued over Jesus Phone 'hairline cracks'

Nathan Dennis

What a twunt!

All phones get some sort of damage, its called wear and tear.

I have an old Nokia 6310 thats been driven over and survived and still works, should I be suing as its looking a bit beat up?

My Ipod is scratched from being chucked around should I be suing for that as well.

As for the part of the action about suing over the marketing, this translates as "I am thick, gullible and a doughnut and believe everything without question"