Frank inadvertently channelling the "I'm a Mac I'm a PC " Apple ads ..funny
Posts by John Armstrong-Millar
44 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Apr 2008
Microsoft: You've got it all WRONG. It's Apple's iPad playing catch-up with our Surface
Windows XP support ends a year from … now!
Facebook proposes killing off user voting on policy changes
Russian Christians boosted by Pussy Riot law spank 'sinful' Apple logo
Conroy wants telcos to wear undies on heads
Apple iPhone 5 review
Phone hack scandal: Cop, two scribes nabbed in bung brouhaha
Climate denier bloggers sniff out new conspiracy
Lytro light field camera

Good but!
I think that this is a great idea. However what have only one focus point?. The most annoying thing about focus is having to pick one subject. The possibility of having more than one subject in the picture but both in focus would IMHO be ground breaking. We will have to wait until Lytro 2.0.
'The new iPad' revealed: Full specs, rumor scorecard
Where do we go from here?
I'm a photographer and of course I have a website. I dumped flash(almost) because I wanted my clients, many of whom use iPads to be able to view my site. This was all working well until now. How do I make a webpage that scales without having to use Adobe Flash?
It's interesting Apple seem to have hit this problem too. On the Apple Site today there is a nice little feature showing video and movement..You can't watch it on an IPad!
SpaceShipOne man, Nobel boffins: Don't panic on global warming

It's not rocket science
Politician to Scientist "the weather seems to be changing and extreme events are becoming more frequent. should we be worried?"
Scientist thinks.. mmm well looking at core samples I could tell him that the next ice-age os well overdue and the likelihood is that there will be a fir degree of instability before that "kicks off" in about 500yrs.
Scientist to Politician "well your are right to be worried however I will need funding to look at all the implications..
Scientist thinks... mmm I could spin this out for years.
Facebook shoves your face into creepy 'sponsored stories' in 2012
Doctor Who girl Amy Pond axed in 'heartbreaking' exit
RIM execs chewed through restraints after in-flight fracas
Facebook IPO said to set value at $100bn
Google flings Bing into search engine bin
'Satnavs are definitely not doomed', insists TomTom man
Samsung unveils 20Mp EVIL shooter
Rebekah Brooks quits - Murdoch accepts this time
Nokia X7 Symbian Anna smartphone
Jobs confirms iCloud's murder of iWeb
Digital Music: a collective failure of imagination
Dell, HP badmouth Apple's iPad
Google axes Jobsian codec in name of 'open'
Powermat iPhone 4 wireless charging kit
Voice-routing call fingerprint system fights 'vishing'
Court of Appeal challenges parallel import blocking
Ballmer and Softies sacrifice sleep to catch iPad
Apple's iPhone 4 denial: insulting or ignorant?
Adobe CTO paints Steve Jobs as Big Brother
Work in progress doesn't cut it anymore
Flash 10.1 isn't quite here yet. Isn't this the point? The popularity of the iPhone is that even a 2 year old can use it. The sloppy way windows system need updates,drivers etc to erm basically just work all the time, doesn't really cut it anymore. Adobe's new Flagship CS5 has some great bells and whistles but a lot of them are "under development"
Computers should be as reliable as ones washing machine, or dishwasher. You don't expect to have to turn it off and on a few times just to get ti to work.
I'm not pro or anit Apple I just like stuff that works..
Nokia: digital SLRs are doomed
Well he has a point
I don't know how many readers of the Reg are Flickr users but a quick look at the camera finder function reveals what the good Mr Vanjoki is really worried about. There is another very popular camera phone which at the moment seems unstoppable, Not the Regs' favourite phone but scary for anyone in the camera phone business as it's only going to get better (or worse) depending on how one views these things.
For those who are not Flickr members or can't be bothered to look. The most popular camera on Flickr is the Apple iPhone (yes that was camera) As for smartphones.. "Don't even go zerr" it's not pretty..
Gay site says bank shut account over 'objectionable' blog
Who will win the epic battle for the kitchen OS?
It's the Hardware stupid
It really makes me smile when this subject comes up. For a media Phone or what ever you want to call it. Hey we have all seen them in every SF movie. One enormous snag, that until it is addressed video phones will just be cute plaything with no practical value. What am I talking about? Eye contact!, without "meaningful" human eye contact, conversation simple doesn't work. Sort the hardware out whereby you can look into the eyes of the caller and really the software doesn't matter that much..