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From revision control to operating systems

11177 401023
GitHub's boast that Copilot produces high-quality code challenged


Tin foil hats, black hats and bald men

2317 54166
Re: If CALEA(na) walks like a duck..


You've seen the speeches, now have your say

35 574
The Register Lecture: AI turning on us? Let's talk existential risk


Latest news and insight on cloud services and everything else at the network edge and beyond

1449 28864
Re: "using another app to do it won't work"


Latest news and insights from the world of on-premises and personal technology

25541 652597


Offbeat stories and capers for like-minded technology professionals

4669 220400
Win a slice of XP cheese if you tell us where Microsoft should put Copilot next

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Weekly focal points to zoom in on industries and ideas

127 2297
Re: The noose is closing