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From revision control to operating systems

10870 388757
Can you not just fuck off?


Tin foil hats, black hats and bald men

2133 50017
But it's anonymous


You've seen the speeches, now have your say

35 574
The Register Lecture: AI turning on us? Let's talk existential risk


Latest news and insight on cloud services and everything else at the network edge and beyond

1407 27978
Re: £40m/year


Latest news and insights from the world of on-premises and personal technology

25178 638237
Microsoft cash to help reignite Three Mile Island atomic plant


Offbeat stories and capers for like-minded technology professionals

4516 212530
Re: " Judge wouldn't allow that so just plead guilty. "

Special Features

Weekly focal points to zoom in on industries and ideas

52 723
Re: The New Nuclear Apocalypse