Re: Just the morale boost I needed
I can think of quite a few members of the current cabinet who would be more usefully employed in that sector of the motor industry...
161 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Jan 2008
I met one of these random nutters years ago while visiting a local museum.
He was absolutely certain that the CRTs the museum was using to display information had a very powerful field and he could feel it!
I must have wasted 20 minutes of my life trying to explain how little they output to him and in the end gave up.
Just before I walked away, shaking my head, I suggested he never go outside again due to the colossal amounts of radiation beaming down from the orange light in the sky...
It's hardly surprising.
You make stuff on computers creatively, there is little option but to go Adobe, after all, whats the point in using an alternative (as if there are any real alternatives) if once you have sent your files elsewhere they come back and say half of it doesn't work?
I will stick with CS6 as I can't afford the subscription fees, it does everything I want.