inquiring minds...
And what is the point of having an iPad if you already carrying a laptop around?
44 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Dec 2007
Rik and all wanna be racists:
Are you able to browse goatse from your workplace?
No? So by your sordid logic USA / UK (insert your country of choice) must be cencoring the web.
It is just the automated moderating scripts that is doing the blocking (possibly not even the state controlled Telecom company as it is clear that the user accessing the web via wifi).
Unless you have proof that the blokage was sanctioned by the Turkish Goverment GFY!
I never condone the actions of the state to cencor the web but you have to give the credit where it is due!
Moderatrix: How did this biased and inflammatory article even made it to this quality site?
He is putting it right what red Ken fubar'ed.
On the subject of bendy busses, I hate them with a vengeance. They took up 2 lanes around corners, danger to 2 wheeled road users.
If Ken listened the people in the first place, us as Londoners would not have incurred the costs you are talking about.
Before you respond with your political crap, I did vote for Ken thinking he is nuKen and his alternatives were Uncle Albert, LibDems whose anser is "tax increase for the high earners" to every question, or some tree huggerparty.
Creativity isn't something you learn, it is just there in the makings. You recognise what you have and build upon it. Creative people make the most of what they've got and go beyond. If it wasn't the imagination and the creativity of the pioneers in a given fields, human race would not have advanced much.
My point is, no, today's programmers are not more / less creative. It is very difficult to make that comparison.
Oh please people...
They never said the DNA in the db is not linked to a real person with a name etc. Whet they mean is, the data given to 3rd parties have this info stripped.
I know intelligence of the plod is average at best but even they are not that stupid to delete the names from the DNA db.
So London Underground is thinking the crims will be too stupid to alter their card at the end of the day to get yet another 24h free ride or am I missing something that they do not tell us about - like the serial no on the card itself cannot be altered etc?
I wish Paris would give me a free ride for 24h.
"I've been on the £35 PM tariff since I shelled out £269 on launch day, my mate bought his at the same time but decided on the £45 PM tariff. By the time this 3G model launches next month he'll have paid £80 more than me over the space of 9 months in terms of PM charges yet I'll have to pay £99 if I want to upgrade whilst he'll get it free."
He forgets to consider that poor sod on the £45 plan will be stuck with that plan for further 18 months and the price difference is well above 99 quid upgrade fee he is whinging about.
Paris, just because.
re: notice period, one can always have a few days of unpaid sick leave. enought to cause delays etc.
wrt your list:
1) One also has to factor in the time between contracts to total annual taking.
2) IR35. If you don't know what it is, look it up, but in summary, 95% of your overall takings are treated like salary and you are expected to pay NI etc from that sum as well as income tax.
3) I don't know the contractors you have met but, I do pay for my own books and do try to keep two steps ahead of permies to justify my exorbitant fees ;) and I do my studies in my own time - outside of work. Last time I was a permie, I remember not having to go to work when I was on a course.
4) Then Pat's comments weren't directed to you, so why did you take offense? Red Bren was out of order and Pat responded thusly.
I've been either side of the fence and honestly, I'd rather be a contractor - my choice. I don't like getting involved in office politics, I have no ambitions to rise through the ranks and I just like to get on with my projects.
Best of all though, when I leave the office at the end of the day, I don't need to think about work till the next day.
@Ross Ryles you might have a point here.
As far as I am aware, it is illegal to give bad reference and providing input to a db whose sole purpose is to provide respective employers with potentially damaging info about the person in question might just count towards it.
's ok I didn't wear a coat today. Damn too hot!
They are not monitoring your personal emails, they are monitoring the use of the tool they have given to you (ie. email account & internet access).
Good luck with your legal advice but the way the things currently are in UK (assuming you are based in UK), you will be, at best, out of pocket.
This is a standard practice in Germany for motorways with less than 3 lanes and/or with somesort of road works (especially during business hours) with on the spot varying cash fines (non of I'll pay later honest gov nonsense) and should you argue with the plod, the fine just gets increased - or so I've been told. Pay first, argue later - just like HMRC really.