No go...
Silverlight or Flash doesn't run on my ZX81 - I mean - come on !!!!
47 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Dec 2006
Will people here please stop thinking that Open Source projects always = Linux.
This is not true !!!
Open source can run on a Windows server.
Check out http://www.dotnetnuke.com - a very successful open source framework based on .NET. it's about time this project got some more publicity from the Reg.... please broaden your minds. Just because it runs on MS software it does not mean it isn't Open Source or somehow contaminated!
Just because the base layer might not be open source, it doesn't mean that projects running above this layer aren't open source....!
The headline should have been "Linux closes gap on Microsoft's next Silverlight".
Many thanks...
C and C# should have been separated. In fact with MS and .NET framework it's pretty much irrelevant which language you are using.... it's all about CLR. The conversation should be about what platform people are using that's all.
Can somebody tell me what "Enhancement of web presence" actually means?". That's what marketing people say, and let's face it many small business are run by marketing depts and hold the IT dept by remote control (generally make 'em crash into walls).
So who isn't going to enhance their web presence?... should this be compared with all the other stuff like Web2 etc? Developing web2 - is that not an enhancement? Where was the option that they are NOT going to enhance their web presence? Maybe I'm just being dumb, if somebody can explain this I'm all ears.
Silly unbalanced article, open source applies to certain things better than others... why wasn't that even given a look in? There are grey areas that are far more interesting to discuss in these forums..
After the terrible Vista a lot of people are considering Linux,. nb I use Windows XP, I'll probably wait for Windows 7.... but I do GET both sides of the argument.
Let's it it gets scrapped 2010, is anybody asking if they are going to find a "Use" for these camera afterwards (i.e. "National Security"), or are they gonna take them down (because sat technology is now already doing the job for them perfectly well right now).
Are simply terrible.... it's obvious it's a joke.
Those who say they are happy with them:
a) Have never hosted with any other company so don't know how much better it could be
b) Have never rang them
c) Probably only have a few static html pages up on the web
d) Are related somehow with 1&1
e) Have never left them, then been billed 12 months later for a service they no longer have.
For the rest of us, they are impossible.
I challenge anybody to listen to dark side of the moon in MP3 format. The Hammond organ sounds like it's on full spin cycle.
Who wants to listen to portable music anyway? We have the radio, the trees, the birds and the bees. Plus if you do stick wires in your ears you are more likely to be run over or mugged.
ZoneAlarm's support drives me around the bend.
There is an issue with ZoneAlarm whereby if ad blocking and cookie control is set, any web applications on your local machine won't work. This has been going on for years and years and is a pain in the neck for developers.
Their "log a call" support recognises the issue, but won't acknowledge it in public as a "known issue", stating the developers will "fix it when they will fix it". Yeah right, years later still nothing has happened. I logged the issue two years ago and again a month ago.
I tried posting on their forums about this issue, and they DELETED the post, YES you heard me right. There was nothing nasty about the post other than the fact I said the bug had been going on for years.
There are lots of other posts on ZoneAlarms forums that seem to point to this issue as well....
I want my alien! (I live very near to gillian anderson so I want to torment her). Failing that I'll have a register T-shirt or mug... Or maybe you can give me the website for probing purposes :).
Quote http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TARDIS
The TARDIS wardrobe from "The Christmas Invasion".Once through the doors of the police box, the TARDIS interior has a vast number of rooms and corridors. The exact dimensions of the interior have not been specified, but apart from living quarters, the interior includes an art gallery (which is actually an ancillary power station), a bathroom with a swimming pool, a medical bay, and several brick-walled storage areas (all seen in The Invasion of Time, 1978). Portions of the TARDIS can also be isolated or reconfigured; the Doctor was able to jettison 25% of the TARDIS's structure in Castrovalva to provide additional "thrust".
Despite a widespread assumption that the interior of the TARDIS is infinite, there are indications that it is not. In Full Circle (1980), Romana stated that the weight of the TARDIS in Alzarius' Earth-like gravity was 5 × 106 kilograms (5000 tonnes). This presumably refers to its internal weight, as the external part of the TARDIS is light enough for it to be lifted or otherwise moved with relative ease (although most real police boxes were concrete and hence quite difficult to move): several men lift it up in Marco Polo, a group of small blue maintenance workers on Platform One push it along the ground in "The End of the World", and a quartet of Weeping Angels are able to rock it back and forth in "Blink", to name a few. If the exterior of the TARDIS is moved, the movement is transmitted to its interior.
In the tie-in novels, the interior of the TARDIS has been known to contain an entire city (Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible), used to encompass an entire parallel Earth (Blood Heat), and is big enough to dwarf Gallifrey itself when turned inside out (The Ancestor Cell). It is also seen to exist in multiple timelines.
A distinctive architectural feature of the TARDIS interior is the "roundel". In the context of the TARDIS, a roundel is a circular decoration that adorns the walls of the rooms and corridors of the TARDIS, including the console room. Some roundels conceal TARDIS circuitry and devices, as seen in the serials The Wheel in Space (1968), Logopolis, Castrovalva (1981), Arc of Infinity (1983), Terminus (1983), and Attack of the Cybermen (1985). The design of the roundels has varied throughout the show's history, from a basic circular cut-out with black background to a photographic image printed on wall board, to translucent illuminated discs in later serials. In the secondary console room, most of the roundels were executed in recessed wood panelling, with a few decorative ones in what appeared to be stained glass. In the new series, the roundels are built into hexagonal recesses in the walls of the new console room.
Other rooms seen include living quarters for many of the Doctor's companions, although the Doctor's own bedroom has never been mentioned or seen. The TARDIS also had a "Zero Room" — a chamber that was shielded from the rest of the universe and provided a restful environment for the Fifth Doctor to recover from his regeneration in Castrovalva — which was among the 25% jettisoned. However, the Seventh Doctor spin-off novel Deceit indicated that the Doctor rebuilt the Zero Room shortly before the events of that novel. In some of the First Doctor serials, a nearby room contains a machine that dispenses food or nutrition bars to the Doctor and his companions. This machine disappears after the first few serials, although mention is occasionally made of the TARDIS kitchen.
Although the interior corridors were not seen in the 2005 series, the fact that they still exist was established in "The Unquiet Dead", when the Doctor gives Rose some very complicated directions to the TARDIS wardrobe. The wardrobe is mentioned several times in the original series and spin-off fiction, and seen in The Androids of Tara (1978), The Twin Dilemma (1984) and Time and the Rani (1987). The redesigned version, from which the Tenth Doctor chooses his new clothes, was seen in "The Christmas Invasion" (2005) as a large multi-levelled room with a spiral
staircase. Designer Ed Thomas has suggested that more rooms may be seen in coming episodes.[16] The Doctor also mentions in "The Shakespeare Code" that the TARDIS has an attic.
No mention about seats, I know the one at the BBC doesn't have any.
System more responsive. No issues
Looking at the comments I am guessing a lot of people are stopping their installs thinking their machine is frozen or doing nothing, rather than be patient until the process is complete.
MS should have put a few more progress bars in for good measure, esp after the reboot.
The Sage Line 50 appliation, and associated satilite applications, still cannot install itself properly on locked down Windows XP installations. You have to loosen up your locked down XP to install it. I suspect with Vista it's worse.
For a product that's been around for so long, not understanding where to place files and registry entries for optimal security is unforgivable, esp when you consider it's financial software.
If they are not careful they will see the same thing that happened to Quark Express, being taken over by a rival package (InDesign).
Glad MS are keeping them on their toes, they have been too lazy with their monopoly.
...running Windows Vista of course
Switch on PC, watch it grind, crash, then throw in landfill....
and of course it can be recycled, as can everything! The great thing is that the amount of petrol and resources it takes to do so (e.g. transportation etc) means it benefits recycling companies pockets (and not the planet )...
The only things that are worth recycling are cans and bottles. Period. Other materials should be buried in fully sealed landfill sites, stick a pipe in it, and the methane given off should be used to produce power.
I felt a similar quake coming from or around Wales (if my memory serves me right) a couple of years ago. Didn't last long, I heard a crack sound in the ceiling, and it took me a few minutes to fathom what happened, and I concluded that this looks like a quake, I went straight to an internet chat room and asked if anybody had experienced the same thing, pretty much everybody was asking what happened. Woke up the next day, after hearing the news, and it seemed most people I knew slept through it.
Last summer we had a typhoon nearby, I saw hail and a big gust of wind, followed by very clear weather, I saw no typhoon, but I guessed the conditions would be right... I mentioned it to somebody a few hours later and somebody said a whole road had been destroyed by a typhoon,a couple of miles away.
This time around (last night) was in the same room, in my bed, around the same time as the last quake, the same crack sound above me, and the bed swayed from side to side for about 5 to 10 secs, really weird feeling. I didn't get out of bed this time, I knew I'd be waking up to the news headlines after last time.
And yes. I'm in West London would you believe!
Hmm.. put on a jumper or put on a outside heater..put on a jumper or put on a heater..put on a jumper or put on a outside heater..put on a jumper or put on a heater..put on a jumper or put on a outside heater..put on a jumper or put on a heater.. urrghhh! I can't make the decision..... regulate it!
Seriously though, we don't need 'em anyway (jumpers I mean)....
Well it's time for batman of the future. Qualifications are rich, smart, gadgets everywhere, big mansion.
Come on guys, you know who it's going to be (hint see picture). Yes it's MS Batman!, and hopefully he will lock up i-pod users by the dozen for crimes commited again'st humanity (string 'em up by with their pathetic "please don't mug me" white wires.....
I left last week.... best thing I ever did... consistently fast speeds, much better network reliability. Frankly I recommend going anywhere other than virgin (they used to be OK until they introduced capping). I experienced very little downtime at all when transferring (I was down from for 30 mins from midnight on the day of transfer). My advice to those on virgin. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Get out!!!
I leave virgin media and moving (hopefully) to a far better provider. So far the process has been simplicity itself.... the next 48 hours or so will prove the point.
I urge readers to dump virgin media ASAP. I was a happy customers of their up until Feb. It's just been my lazyness that I haven't changed till now. The service is appauling.
I've just read a lot of comment here about the quality and how rubbish it is. How the BBC have messed it up etc.
May I remind people this is (supposed to be anyway) BETA software.
If you don't like it right now.... well give feedback to the BBC. Don't complain though.... If you are annoyed then the solution is not to use BETA software.
When it gets properly released and it's still crap, well write to the BBC board of directors and accuse them of leftie/liberal bias or something.
Anybody who owns an i-pod, listening to compressed to f**k music with clinky cheap earphones (that look like 1970's deaf aids), bumping into people/walking into running cars, whilst thinking they look "cool", and carrying their mobile (which probably has a perfectly good MP3 player built in) deserves to be arrested and whipped.
So taking their fingerprints in advance is a good idea in my view. Now that we can't deport terrorists it's time to look at the next easy target!
Chuckie egg and elite were BBC micro games. Far superior than the ported Spectrum versions. I had both machines (sold my spec for a BBC micro B).
Four words for Spectrums.... ultimate play the game.. they pushed the boundaries with Knight Lore, Attic Attack, Jet-Pac, Alien-8. BBC micro users eventually got a port but by then it almost felt far too late.
And who remembers Psion flight simulator? With wonderful landscapes such as Lake round, etc.. loved that game.
AND the hobbit....! Oh no I'm thinking about middle earth.... what is going on? I'm begining to feel slightly smelly and unwashed.
Oh and the time I met Sir Clive... I was soooo excited...
My genitalia is definitely getting very small indeed thinking of all this, I'll leave the forum now before I geek myself to death and develop spots.