* Posts by mhenriday

1222 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Dec 2009

‪WannaCry‬pt ransomware note likely written by Google Translate-using Chinese speakers


What we know -

or rather, what we are supposed to think we know - is found here. Which persons or what organisations lie behind the figures shown on the above web page ? Any reason at all to place the slightest confidence in any «analysis» from this quarter ?...


DARPA orders spaceplane capable of 10 launches in 10 days


10 launches in 10 days ?

Right ! How long did it take the so-called «space shuttles» to turn around ? Has Boeing devised a technique to eliminate, e g, heating and ablation upon re-entry into the atmosphere ?...

A boondoggle, as usual....


Julian Assange wins at hide-and-seek game against Sweden


Re: @Christoph.

«Also Swedish law restricts their ability to charge anyone with a crime in absentia. So they have to extradite him back to Sweden so that they can charge him. This too was detailed during Assange's first of three extradition hearings.» Ah, that famous expert on Swedish law, one «Ian Michael Gumby», who doesn't understand that Swedish prosecutors can - and do - take depositions from persons under investigation even if said persons are not in Sweden. As a matter of fact, dear Ms Ny - who, as noted above, should never have been allowed to get near the cased - did precisely that, after delaying, contrary to what the good Mr Gumby would have us believe (but then he's not exactly noted for his devotion to the truth) for nearly five years. Let us hope she is adequately rewarded by her sponsors in the USA....

I don't what Mr Gumby's been sucking on, but I'd suggest, for obvious health reasons, keeping one's distance from both it and him....



Re: Slightly complicated...

«You are bailed on charges, not on whether you actually committed the offence.» Perhaps, Mike Rogers, you might want to take into account the fact that Mr Assange was <u>never</u> charged by Sweden. He was wanted for questioning by Ms Ny - who, as a prosecutor in Göteborg, should never had been assigned the case, which belonged to Stockholm, where it had already been dismissed by another chief prosecutor. This case is merely yet another example - as if one were needed - of our subservience here in Sweden to the interests of those running the United States....



Ms Ny, who, as prosecutor in Göteborg, should never have assigned the case, which belonged to Stockholm and which was originally dismissed by a chief prosecutor here, has presided over one of the major recent scandals in Sweden's well-filled repertoire of judicial mishaps. But she did succeed in interfering with Mr Assange's work and in forcing him into taking refuge in Ecuador's UK embassy to avoid being turned over to the tender mercies of the US government. Let us hope that Ms Ny's work for the US (un)intellegence agencies and that country's Department of (In)Justice has not gone unrewarded....


Just so we're all clear on this: Russia hacked the French elections, US Republicans and Dems

Big Brother

Truth, whole truth, nothing but truth according to James Robert Clapper and Michael Rogers

Just the place for a Snark! I have said it twice:

That alone should encourage the crew.

Just the place for a Snark! I have said it thrice:

What I tell you three times is true.


It's Russian hackers, FBI and Wikileaks wot won it – Hillary Clinton on her devastating election loss


And Ms May ?

I can't but be reminded of the comments that Jean-Claude Juncker is said to have uttered regarding Theresa Mary May's psychological state and her place of residence, after recently dining with her at 10 Downing Street....


Linux Mint-using terror nerd awaits sentence for training Islamic State


Harmless ?

« On one of those was a copy of harmless open-source operating system Linux Mint, ...» «Harmless» ?!! Them's fighting words, Gareth !... ;-)


US military makes first drop of Mother-of-All-Bombs on Daesh-bags


Whatever would the world do

without the US and its wonderful military ? Now that they've dropped the GBU-43/B, all Afghanistan's problems have been solved - and forever ! No doubt they are now embracing fantasies about resolving the problems presently existing on the Korean peninsula in the same expedient fashion....

I believe the current term is «dickhead»....


Blast from the past: Mass birth of early supermassive black holes explained at last


Rare ?

«Another previous paper led by Eli Visbal, co-author of the current study and researcher at Columbia University, calculated that the neighbor galaxy would have to be at least 100 million times more massive than the Sun to emit enough radiation to prevent star formation in the host galaxy.

Giant galaxies of that size are relatively rare.»

Are they really so rare ? The mass of our own galaxy, the Milky Way has a mass estimated to be some 0.8–1.5×10¹² solar masses, while that of our closest neighbouring galaxy is estimated to be some 1.5×10¹² solar masses. Even the Large Magellanic Cloud, a so-called dwarf galaxy orbiting our own, is estimated to have a mass some 10¹⁰ solar masses. Is the quote above off by several orders of magnitude ?...


Tech titan pals back up Google after 'foreign server data' FBI warrant ruling


Re: Turnabout

I fear, Kevin, that you grievously misunderstand the norms of legality in international affairs ; to paraphrase a certain well-known political figure, if the US does it, it is not illegal. Such affairs are not based, as the naive might wish to believe, on the adage that what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, but rather upon quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi. There is not doubt but what Russia, China, and every country other than the US fall into the bovine category....


Raw TRAPPIST-1 data lands tomorrow for crowdsourced hijinks


For my part,

I think the boffins - and others - should stop spying on those poor Cistercians of the Strict Observance and let them get back to their lives of silent contemplation....


Spies do spying, part 97: Shock horror as CIA turn phones, TVs, computers into surveillance bugs


Re: I can't wait...

«Strangely, Wikileaks seems to target some more than others.» So, Potemkine, because WikiLeaks doesn't have access to FSB or SVR documents, the work that it does in publishing documents related to the CIA or NSA is suspect ? I appreciate your logic there, but perhaps the quandary could be resolved if you were to contribute a part of your own personal stash of FSB and SVR material to WikiLeaks ?...


Big Brother

Nailed it !

«Meanwhile, some folks are speculating that the source of the leak could be the Russians, and its true purpose is to derail the CIA for political gain.» How dare those tools of the dastardly Russians (and/or Chinese, depending upon how the political winds blow in Washington and vassal capitals) besmirch that valiant defender of our civil liberties - not least the 4th Amendment to the US Constitution, the CIA ?!! That is indeed carrying freedom of expression too far !...


Radioactive leak riddle: Now Team America sniffs Europe's skies for iodine isotope source


Re: Comprehensive test ban treaty

It was those nasty Russians wot done it - in accordance with the orders, of course, of that dastardly Gospodin Putin....


Google to cough up $20m after Chrome rips off anti-malware patents


Re: Litigation from beyond the grave?

I fear, Donn Bly, that your imagination doesn't quite suffice to grasp the situation ; not only can one vote post mortem in the United States, one can also be elected in that condition. Of course, allowances must be made for the fact that the opponent in this case was one John David Ashcroft, which made the choice of a dead man rational....


Russia and China bombard Blighty with 188 cyberattacks in 3 months


it's no doubt rude of me to point this out,

but the article claims that of 188 «high-level» attacks suffered by Blighty in the last three months some came from Russia and China, respectively. It does not claim that «Russia and China bombard Blighty with 188 cyberattacks in 3 months», as in the headline....


US visitors must hand over Twitter, Facebook handles by law – newbie Rep starts ball rolling


Land of the brave,

home of the free....


As Microsoft touts Windows Insider for biz, let's take a look at W10's broken 2FA logins


I say

it's all Google's fault (in the event that blaming it on Gospodin Putin doesn't cover it)....


Google bellows bug news after Microsoft sails past fix deadline


Time limit

«The Register is yet to detect a response from Microsoft on this releases [sic !]. If we do … you know the drill [We'll either update this story and/or write a new one - Ed].» Within 90 days, of course ?...


Would you like to know why I get a lot of action at night?


Nasty people on public transport

«I prepare for this by always carrying extra packets of tissues in my backpack, distributing them freely among the disgusting dipshit bastards I meet on public transport like a nasally obsessed Mother Theresa.» But dear Mr Dabbs, why don't you simply take the Rolls, instead ?...


Uncle Sam probes SpaceX – but crack nothing to be alarmed about, we're told


What are the odds

on a bet that Soyuz craft will still be delivering US and European space travellers to the ISS in 2019 and where can such a bet be placed ?...


Chinese hackers switch tactics for spying on Russian jet makers


Re: Fixed

As Vietnam, the Philippines,Malaysia, and Taiwan had previously done earlier in the South China Sea and which, for example, Vietnam continues to do - and as Japan had also done in close proximity to the region - in 2014 China began extending islands and building on reefs and shoals which it claimed with the energy it typically brings to construction projects. Whether its doing so will provided an excuse for a US administration which seems bent on going to war with China (or at least using the threat of war to get a better «deal») or, on the contrary, whether the facilities placed on these islands will deter the US from military adventures in the region is difficult to predict ; Mr Trump, like Mr Nixon before him, seems to base a good part of his strategy on being unpredictable....

Let us hope that at least some of us survive to critique the aftermath....


UK defence secretary: Russian hacks are destabilising Western democracy


Trompe l'œil

«More to the point, this blame-the-russkies game just makes sure our real problems (like pervasive surveilance, disintegration of the middle class and reemergence of the indentured masses in its stead, the collapse of the meaningful democratic institutions, to say nothing of the environmental deterioration, the impending health-care and pension shortfalls) will get ignored until they can no longer be resolved without a massive social upheaval.» Indeed. But blaming the Russians is cheap and provides the opportunity to channel more funds to the military (not so cheap), from which great profits can be made, while seeing to it that public investments which actually benefit people are derailed, leaving needs either unmet or subject to the vagaries of the so-called «market». A win-win for those who run things, and their mouthpieces in, e g, the media....


Mozilla axes IoT project, cuts staff, backs off from commercial stuff


Re: Botnet association

On the other hand : if your refrigerator has been clamouring for years to be connected to the internet, and occasionally goes on strike and refuses to cool the beer until you allow such, IoT might just be what the doctor botmaster ordered....


Chinese bloke cycles 500km to get home... in the wrong direction


I call bullshit !

«The man, who is unnamed, is unable to read maps and was relying upon others for directions.» The original story states that 交警上前盘问,骑车男子称是别人告诉自己上高速骑行的。据了解,该男子靠打临时工生活,比较拮据,因为长期在网吧上网,钱用完了。男子就想春节骑车回家,沿途一直问人,结果走错了路。([When] the police officer stepped forward to question him, the bike rider said that someone had told him to ride on the motor way. From what we understand, he supported himself by working at temporary jobs and had it tough ; because he had been using internet cafés to go online for quite some time, he had run out of money. [Therefore, ] he decided to bike home for the New Year holiday, and asked people for direction all along the road and ended up taking the wrong direction.)

Nowhere in the article does it state that the man was unable to read maps, much less that he was illiterate - how many illiterate people frequent internet cafés to such a degree that they run out of money ?...

The interesting thing is that the cops and the toll station staff seem to have chipped in and bought him a ticket home (捐了些钱,买了回家的车票)....

I hold with NoneSuch above : «As long as there are people out there willing to buy a guy, who is down on his luck, a train ticket the human race has hope»....


CIA director AOL email hacker coughs to crime


Quoud licet Iovi non licet bovi ?

«Sarah Harrison, the acting director of the Courage Foundation, which had raised emergency funds for Liverman, said: "Without CWA, the public would not know that the Director of the CIA did not take adequate precautions around his own security clearance questionnaire. There's barely any point talking about 'cyber attacks' from sophisticated nation state actors when the highest-level officials are leaving the front door wide open." Harrison continued:

If John Brennan will not face any penalty for his negligence, there's no good reason why anyone else should do. Justin Liverman's potential sentence is outrageous given the relative triviality of the Department of Justice's allegations. Courage's emergency appeal for Justin will remain open until he no longer needs our assistance.»

I think Ms Harrison nailed it. Mr Brennan's negligence, which in his position should certainly be regarded as criminal, goes unpunished ; Mr Liverman, however, who performed a service in revealing the above, faces being put away for a long, long time. I suppose that's «justice», in the «indispensable nation»....


Speeding jet of Siberian liquid hot Magma getting speedier, satellites find


Re: I knew it.

It's all that nasty Mr Putin's fault....


Assange confirmed alive, tells Fox: Prez Obama 'acting like a lawyer'


Re: ...unlike his credibility

«... influenc[ing] one of the most important democratic processes of a country.» And influencing an election by releasing evidence of crimes committed by a candidate is a legal offense in which «democratic» country ? What's the point of elections, if they can not be «influenced» by evidence related to a candidate's record ? On what basis are voters to choose - the skill with which a candidate is made up prior to appearing on television ?...



Re: A pardon?

«I do not know if he has been charged under any US statutes only the Swedish charges.» As a matter of fact, a_yank_lunker, Mr Assange has never been charged with any crime under Swedish law. He has, however, been arrested in absentia, wanted for questioning in a preliminary investigation which was first withdrawn by the prosecutor in Stockholm, who had jurisdiction as the alleged offenses had taken place there, but was reopened by a new prosecutor in Göteborg, nota bene some 600 km distant....

«Since Sweden is an independent country ...» Ah yes, we who live here would like to believe that. Alas, the Assange case is just one piece of evidence that this is not the case....


China gives America its underwater drone back – with a warning


Re: Lying so-and-so's

«The South China Sea does not belong to China ...» Of course not ; it belongs, like the Persian Gulf and other such waterways, to the United States, which is why the US Navy is so assiduously patrolling there - one might say, in an «unpresidented» manner....


'I told him to cut it out' – Obama is convinced Putin's hackers swung the election for Trump


Re: DNC - Remove the mote from your own eye

Speaking of beams and motes, anyone here old enough to recall that infamous Time Magazine cover from 15 July 1996 ?...



There is, despite claims from the US government,

a distinction between «hacking» and «leaking», which el Reg readers, if not necessarily Mr Obama et consortes should be able to appreciate....


Dell trips over US sanctions by selling PCs to Iranian embassies


«Dell trips over sanctions ...»

Can't but wonder who tripped over what - given their experience with Stuxnet, one would have thought that Iranian authorities would be the ones to worry about purchasing kit - and not least, «support contracts» - from a US firm....

Verbum sapienti satis est....


Reg man 0: Japanese electronic toilet 1


Once a Reg man, always a Reg man

And I'd certainly never expect one such to be able to read the glyphs 停止, for «Stop», but even for a Reg man, that red square on the proper button should have been a giveaway. Besides, if, as he should, he had accepted his lack of technical expertise in this particular situation, he could simply have used the toilet bowl as a toilet bowl and refrained from punching any buttons....

Imagine the difficulties he would have experienced if, like your humble interlocutor, he had come to Japan in the early 1960s, when toilets were a hole in the floor lined with porcelain, and one was expected to squat to perform one's excretory functions. At that time, as I remember it, about the only generally available sit toilets in Tokyo were to be found in the Imperial Hotel....


The solution to security breaches? Kill the human middleware


The recent high-profile hacks of the Democratic Party's email servers ...

«and the inability to pin the attack squarely on the Russian government was one example» Seems to me that the wording here shows an attempt to find evidence for a certain predetermined conclusion, rather then to examine the evidence in order to come to a conclusion. Quelle surprise !...


Russia shoves antitrust probe into Microsoft after Kaspersky gripes about Windows 10


Re: His concerns are valid

«In any case with that load of shysters, getting 'em to play fair is like spending your whole regulatory career trying to shovel runny sh1t uphill on a hot day.» And back in old Corinth, Sisyphos had it easy....


Make phishing great again: Hackers prod US think tanks, NGOs amid Trump win shockwaves


Bien sûr !

«Volexity said that it believes the messages were sent by the APT29 hacking crew, which is thought to be run by, or in close conjunction with, Russian state-sponsored hackers.» But of course - everybody knows that the Russkies are responsible for all the evil in this world - unless, that is, those dastardly Chinese get there first !...


CERN also has a particle decelerator – and it’s trying to break physics


I promise

After seeing that CERN image,I promise never ever to complain about the rat's nest of cables behind my computers again....


Julian Assange to be interviewed by Swedish rape prosecutors


Thanks, Gareth ;

you've upheld the Reg's spotless reputation for unbiased «journalism». An epic Fail and no mistake....


Supercomputers crack Saturn's ice-cold ring


Pluto-sized rocks ?

«large numbers of Pluto-sized rocks from the Kuiper Belt encircling the Solar System fell towards the Sun and smashed into planets on their the way in.

Many of the craters we see on the Moon are the result of this bombardment, for example.»

I suggest that in the event «[m]any of the craters we see on the Moon» were really the result of a bombardment by «Pluto-sized rocks» - i e, bodies with a diameter of some 2370 km (the Moon's diameter is approx 3474 km) the Moon would look very different from the way it does today....


Microsoft flips Google the bird after Windows kernel bug blurt


A tourist brochure for Reggio d'Emilia ?

«Microsoft flips Google the bird after Windows kernel bug blurt» Strikes me rather as more like a pilgrimage to Canossa, with a modicum of spin from the PR department....


'There may be no hackers' says Trump in Presidential Debate II


Is she says the Rooskies did it ...

«“The Russians hack the information and Wikileaks is involved,” she said. “We have never been in a situation where an adversary is working so hard to influence the outcome of an election.”» And as we all know, Ms Clinton, in addition to being an expert on foreign policy - take Libya as an example of her statecraft - is equally expert in the field of data security and hacking. So if she says the Rooskies did it (with the help of that horrible WikiLeaks), Roma locuta, causa finita....

Can't wait for her to pay them back by dropping a few bombs on Moscow - and one, of course, on the Ecuadorian Embassy in London (faulty maps, you know, just like in Beograd back in 1999 - if memory doesn't fail, there was another Clinton involved in that escapade)....


US govt straight up accuses Russia of hacking prez election


Clarity, above all !

«Asked by The Register to provide further information about how the DHS reached this conclusion, DHS spokesperson Scott McConnell declined to elaborate, referring back to the issued statement.

The DHS and DNI caution that they are not now in a position to attribute attacks directed at election-related systems to the Russian government, despite the agencies' claim that most of those attacks have come from servers operated by a Russian company.»

That settles it then - we know those dastardly Rooskies did it, but we can't attribute it to anybody. Thank you, Ms Clinton, for enlightening us....


WikiLeaks claims 'significant' US election info release ... is yet to come


«Has Assange just trolled us all ?»

Odd that Ms Hall chooses to ask this question, but fails to provide readers with a link which might possible help them reach a conclusion on their own. Almost as if she (and El Reg have a line about Mr Assange that they wish to drive. Who'd have thought it ?...


Brexit will happen. The EU GDPR will happen. You can't avoid either


«Accomodating» is the word

«“My opinion is that UK businesses will continue to enjoy a good latitude and freedom to transfer data to the US after Brexit,” [lawyer Ashley] Winton said, arguing that the UK ICO has always been accommodating when it comes to data transfer issues.»

Quelle surprise !...


It actually will be Obama who decides whether to end US government oversight of the internet


On the other hand,

Tail Gunner 2.0 - one Rafael Edward Cruz is opposed to it. If the choice is to be determined not by what one favours, but by what one opposes, how's a poor chap to decide in this case ?...


Tim Cook: EU lied about Apple taxes. Watch out Ireland, this is a coup!


Re: This is an EU matter

Individual governments are losing the ability to control the large corporates; it needs something the size of the EU to do it - the USA will not since ''they have the best politicians that money can buy''. Which, of course, is why the US government and the best politicians money can buy (on both sides of the Pond) are so concerned to see that TTIP passes, so that the responsibility for regulating businesses is removed from governments which might just possibly be responsive to the desires of the governed and placed in the hands of a panel of international corporate lawyers....


NASA wants to sell International Space Station to private enterprise


A hostile (?) take-over bid

might well arrive from a Chinese firm - wonder how those troglodytes (those that are left now that Frank Rudolph Wolf has retired) in the US Congress, who have prevented a Chinese presence on the poorly-named International Space Station, would react to that ?...


Australian maps and GPS will align by 2020


«The Earth moved ...»

I wish to inform El Reg - that bastion of patent and copyright protection - that I have been in touch with the ghost of the late Ernest Miller Hemingway and we are considering filing for infringement of copyright. A venue in East Texas seems a likely choice....
