Who uses Pirate Bay anyway? Pirate Bay is ooooooooooooooooold baby, yea.
Here's a little anecdote for you: there are some series I love so much I can't wait for them to be released on blue-ray/DVD here in the UK. It's so often the case that they play their run on a cable channel and then are released on DVD a long time after the run has finished in the US. Two such examples I can give from my recent experience are Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead.
Now being a conscientious fellow, I like to pay for my TV series and movies. No, really: Movies, TV and Games I always pay for. However I would have had to wait SIX MONTHS for a blue-ray release on Walking Dead, even though the run had long since finished in the US. Worse, it was available on a pay-per episode basis on iTunes in the US but not in the UK!
To cut a long story short (hell, it's still a long story), I downloaded the entire season 2 from newsgroups. I was willing to pay whatever per episode on iTunes for it, but it wasn't available. No, I don't want to subscribe to Sky + a whole channel just to see this one series...
Now, give me the stuff in good time when I want to watch it and I'll pay you. Otherwise, I'm highly motivated to steal it.