Vendicar Decarian
Judging by Vendicar's responses, he's probably Hansen in disguise. Here's a list of subject headings from Hansens web site (below). Just in case you're wondering, he does use the word Creation in the first title!
Notwithstanding his obvious "kookery", he seems to have a political agenda, having convinced himself a long time ago that catastophic warming was happening and then disregarding (err, sorry, I mean "adjusting") the data ever since to fit the hypothesis. I have little confidence in him as a scientist given his obvious bias, as evidenced by the appalling debacle over his "hockey stick" that wasn't.
--Re-Energize Iowa: An Opportunity to Lead the Nation in Stewardship of the Earth and Creation
--How Can We Avert Dangerous Climate Change?
--Global Warming: The Threat to the Planet
--Dangerous Human-Made Interference with Climate (370 kB PDF).
--"Political Interference with Science: Global Warming", Part II"
--Special interests are the one big obstacle Global Warming: Connecting the Dots from Causes to Solutions
--Communicating Dangers and Opportunities in Global Warming
--The Threat to the Planet: How Can We Avoid Dangerous Human-Made Climate
--Change? Swiftboating, Stealth Budgeting, and Unitary Executives.
--The Threat to the Planet: Actions Required to Avert Dangerous Climate Change
--The Case for Action by the State of California to Mitigate Climate Change
--Global Warming: Is There Still Time to Avoid Disastrous Human-Made Climate Change?
--Statement of Political Inclinations
--Can We Still Avoid Dangerous Human-Made Climate Change? A Presentation at the New School's Social Research Conference
--Is There Still Time to Avoid "Dangerous Anthropogenic Interference" with Global Climate? A Tribute to Charles David Keeling
--On the Road to Climate Stability: The Parable of the Secretary
--Global Temperatures in 2005
--Michael Crichton's "Scientific Method"
--Dangerous Anthropogenic Interference: A Discussion of Humanity's Faustian Climate Bargain and the Payments Coming Due
--Defusing the Global Warming Time Bomb