Re: Explanation please
No Backdoors, just the problem of being able to ask for one!
8 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Aug 2011
There have been protocols for years. Unfortunately every brand has wanted to tie customers into their own ecosystem and products. As an example just think how long UPnP/DLNA has been around? It's only now that many are switching to Smart TVs that the technology is coming to foreground but most brands have a different take on it and call it something different causing confusion to consumers. HDMI-CEC is another technology that comes to mind where implementations can be called something else and sometimes with restricted feature sets (think Anynet+, Aquous Link, Bravia Link, Kuro-Link, RIHD, SimpLink, Viera Link, EasyLink, etc. They're all supposed to be the same thing). I work for a company. We have a product called Dianemo (this is not a plug so no links) with which we aim to have 1 interface to control the lot. We already talk to devices that use current 'standards' as well as those that have their own protocols, and in the future It won't matter if the device is using Apple's Homekit, or using Alljoyn, or whatever the IEEE come up with for IoT we will aim to add the functionality to Dianemo. Our aim has always been to bring Home Automation to the aware. Making people aware of our product has been, and still is, the biggest problem.
You can fast forward through recordings if using the Humax-based YouView box. We do it all of the time and use the EPG to 'go back in time' when wanting to watch programs that you may have missed. I like the platform, It just needs a little more work.
On my third personal HTC phone (Hero, Desire, Sensation) and have not had a problem with any of them. Use iPhones for work . Nice interface but unpredictable for phone calls (Isn't that the main purpose of a phone?) . My Sensation, on the same network, is much better and the HTC Sense interface is much more intuitive.