Been using a z30 for a week - suprisingly good
I hated my old Blackberry Bold. Slow, couldn't open a webpage without crashing. I hated it so much I was thinking about buying my own iPhone and using Good for Enterprise for work email.
We're doing a trial at work so I have one of a handful of Z30's as a test handset. The screen is great, the battery life is around 2 and half days, the predictive text is brilliant. I don't miss a keyboard at all as the on screen predictive text is a lot faster and seems to learn well. The Blackberry balance is good, locking away work stuff when you don't want it and it means I can have more control over a work phone instead of it being totally locked down.
The hub is great, brings everything together nicely where as on the iPhone this spread across GFE, texts, emails, messaging... Of course it hasn't got same selection of apps like such as an Android or iPhone but I would mostly just use a browser and email on it anyway and there it excels.