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IBM-powered Mayflower robo-ship once again tries to cross Atlantic

Lord Elpuss Silver badge

Does anybody know the budget for this? If it's been built on a shoestring by a team of enthusiastic grads, using donated equipment and more chin fuzz than expertise, then this is all par for the course. congratulations all, you're learning a lot, great effort and good luck with your project.

If on the other hand, it's been built with proper investment by proper companies, set up to benchmark and prove cutting-edge technology, with access to all the latest wizardry and thousands of years of combined experience, then no this is a shitshow and not acceptable. Go back to page 1, sack a few technology consultants, employ a few sailors who've actually been to sea and some grizzled engineers who know a bit about operating machinery in a marine environment, and do it properly next time.

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