Reply to post: Re: Whenever I hear these lunatics

Wireless powersats promise clean, permanent, abundant energy. Sound familiar?

DS999 Silver badge

Re: Whenever I hear these lunatics

Those high frequency bands will only be used in limited circumstances, to cover very high traffic areas like stadiums and very dense urban settings. Your exposure to them would be limited, you won't be exposed 24x7 while sitting at home like you are with current cellular frequencies.

They also have very little penetration ability, even leaves will block them so your skin let alone skull would be enough to prevent them from reaching your brain so no need to worry about amyloid proteins. You can't use them indoors, even if you live across the street from a mmwave 5G antenna it won't enter your home until you open a window and stand in a direct line of sight. Even then probably not, as it would likely be aimed downwards to where the people on the street are - high frequencies are very directional.

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