Reply to post: stupidity out of ignorance or avarice

After huffing and puffing for years, US senators unveil law to blow the encryption house down with police backdoors


stupidity out of ignorance or avarice

I hope that the people who are proposing this bill are doing it out ignorance rather then Avarice.

I don't think ignorance is why they are doing this.

Many people in the current administration believe in the Imperial Presidency. This means that for all intensant purposes the President has most if not all of the rights of a Medieval King. This is Totally against the way the our founders saw what were writing.

If you read John Locke and the writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, which many if not all of the people who wrote and voted for the Constiution you will easily see this. What really amazes me is that many of these same people claim that they are Originalists in term of the way that they say the Constitution should be interpreted.

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