Reply to post: Re: But Netflix has kittehs!

Netflix starts 30-day video data diet at EU's request to ensure network availability during coronavirus crisis

Jellied Eel Silver badge

Re: But Netflix has kittehs!

Now, most people would classify an 'interesting documentary' as something along the lines of that recent BBC epic on the Planet.

I prefer non-fiction..

Stuff about Canadian cat-killers evolving into human-killers just sounds like car-crash television.

Well.. Netflix is on the Internet, the Internet is full of cats, therefore I mentioned cats. But that doc was morbidly fascinating because it started when some Internet sleuths discovered the kitten killing videos and wanted to do something & track the person down. And found difficulty in getting law enforcement interested, at least till the nutjob moved onto human victims. From an IT angle, helping track down that kind of thing was something I'd want to help with, or just advise wrt packaging evidence to get law enforcement interested. But that part happened via Facebook, so I'd be blissfully unaware. Highlighted the challenges LEO's have dealing with that kind of crime though.

I watched some of the Joe Exotic story at the weekend, and that doc's currently #1 in the UK ratings. Also strangely fascinating in highlighting problems in the US with exotic pet ownership. Like there being more tigers in the US than probably RoW, where they're meant to be native. Plus confirms some of my beliefs. There are cat people, there are crazy cat people, therefore the larger the cat, the larger the crazy. And I also found myself siding with PETA wrt exotic pet ownership, and better regulation of private tiger mills aka 'zoos'.

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