Reply to post: Re: Still a problem though

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Re: Still a problem though

Ahhhhh laddie, NOW I understand WHY Magnesium Aluminates and Silicates were ADDED !!!

Using an analogy, they are the WIRE COVERING that allows the Yttrium Copper and Gallium Tetroxide compounds to be protected from outside influences so that ROOM TEMPERATURE superconductivity may occur within TUNNELS OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY!

Using an analogy to Helium Superfluidity where a supercold fluid (i.e. helium) suddenly loses all viscosity and allows said fluid to flow without loss of kinetic energy, this can ALSO be applied to electricity where it is the underlying configuration and protective blanket of a ceramic crystalline sub-structure (i.e. Garnet) that allow the other compounds to lose all resistance to electron flow allowing electrons to move without resistance from one place to another!

The Garnet performs as the protective "wire-covering" and the Gallium is KEY to allowing the Yttrium Copper Oxides to lose all resistance AT ROOM TEMPERATURE AND BEYOND!




starting from 10 degrees Celcius (or 283.15 Kelvin) to 180 Degrees Celcius or 453.15 Kelvin !!!

( *** I suspect the 10C lower bound is probably for mechanical reasons due to the Gallium AND I think there is a SPECIFIC reaction and/or catalysis between the Aluminum, Magnesium and the Gallium Oxides that is REQUIRED to happen during composition but that is something you chemists need to figure out when "Baking" the compounds to form superconductive rods and plates)

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IT'S ALL YOURS EARTHLINGS !!! ---- You Can Run With It Now!


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