Reply to post: Re: Yes,

Who's got the WD-40? Owners of Motorola's rebooted Razr whinge about creaky hinge

I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

Re: Yes,

I had an aftermarket sliding cover for my Nokia (the bigger forerunner of the 3310) - and if you flicked your wrist just right, you could get it out of your pocket and flick it open with one movement. Until the mechanism broke and a piece of plastic flew off into the sunset.

With practise - and I'm ashamed to admit I did practise this - I could get my RAZR out of my pocket, insert the side of a thumbnail between the two halves of the clamshell, so that you could flip the phone open one handed on the way from pocket to ear. As it had a screen on the front, you could even see who was calling as you did it.

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