Reply to post: Faces of Death

Star wreck: There's a 1 in 20 chance a NASA telescope and US military satellite will smash into each other today

Danny 2

Faces of Death

The mondo-porn website Live Leaks published CCTV footage of a guy jumping in front of a high speed train, I think in a Moscow underground station. Very successful suicide attempt from his point of view. I suppose the guy expected to be splattered harmlessly. What actually happened is his corpse bounced off the train and took out two other people waiting on the platform at roughly the same speed the train was going. Accidental homicide by suicide - and that's not even the worst thing I've seen on that website.

I'm a big believer in assisted suicide and companies like Dignitas because people are so awful at it. Suicide should be illegal for anyone that doesn't have a qualification in chemistry, physics or biology. At least put up signs at train stations, "If you are going to jump in front of a train, please do it at the end of the platform not at the start."

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