Re: Sounds like it could be
I fully agree and am kind of an expert in this field. To anyone horrified, most of this occurred in a field only risking rabbits*.
Most dangerous was acid. My mate said, "I don't know how you are doing this!" which alarmed me because I thought he was doing it.
2nd most dangerous was ecstasy. Everything is fine and then another wave hits and cars don't handle waves well.
3rd most dangerous was cannabis, the combination of paranoia and sleepiness are just not conducive to motorways.
Least dangerous was alcohol. I have a high alcohol tolerance though, two drinks under as in it takes me two drinks to be sober.
In the seventies I refused to get into my dad's car after a wedding reception because he'd been drinking. Everyone drove drunk then. In the nineties I bought a breathalyser that told me I was perfectly sober when I patently was not, I felt ripped off but kept it in case of future legal action.
I've had a lot of bad traffic accidents, legendary bad traffic accidents, all of them stone cold sober, all my fault. The one that terrified me into slow, sensible driving was not my fault at all. The woman in front of me veered into oncoming traffic and down a hill. Cars and lorries piling into each other behind me and in front of me, mayhem. My car in the middle untouched, the police praised me for my driving and I should have got that in writing.
When my dad was teaching me to drive he told me to ignore other drivers and assume they were all trying to kill me, as long as I didn't hit the car in front of me because that would affect his insurance.
*no rabbits were harmed in these experiments.