Reply to post: Re: Well, there's your problem!

Why isn't digital fixing the productivity puzzle?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Well, there's your problem!

"If all you do is manage a team of coders then you need to earn less than those coders."

hold on there, that's a bad generalization to make [though I'm sure there are a lot of UNproductive 'managers' out there].

Management done properly makes it look as though the manager isn't doing anything at all.

It's the manager's job to divvy up the work assignments so that things get done. It's the manager's job to make sure that interactions happen in a SANE way. If that means "Scrum meeting" then it's probably being done WRONG. if it means individual 1-on-1 meetings (as simple as "how are things going") followed up by some kind of a policy decision, then it's probably being done right. If your problems with 'management' are being dealt with [or there aren't any] it's being done right. if you're constantly getting jerked around and following whatever Sales wants done, it's probably being done wrong.

I would think that departmental productivity should be the #1 factor in determining how much a manager is paid. And SOME managers might be worth 10 times the wage of the average developer, just on the fact that developers become so much more productive when "that guy" is running the show.

So YMMV on management salary. But yeah, a proper measuring device is in order.

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