Re: This was predicted - in El Reg - years ago.
When I compare Grok (over on X, which is now free to all users) I get REAL results quickly, when Google and even DuckDuckGo led me down a lot of dead-end rabbit holes [partially due to it being a Win32 programming question, the predominance of Stack Overflow and it typically NOT helping, and being the kind of "GDI world transform" problem hardly anyone wants to deal with]. So instead of getting circle-jerked by Micros~1's own API documentation, Grok SUMMARIZED the entire issue by LOCATING SOME OBVIOUS Micros~1 SAMPLE CODE that demonstrated EXACTLY what I needed to know, a feature that the OLD MSDN DOCS (prior to 2012, before it went "all online") did MUCH BETTER in my opinion, but I got there EVEN FASTER due to Grok [thanks, Elon!].
It's probably NOT necessary to point out the APPARENT LACK OF ALGORITHMIC BIAS in Grok [you won't see woke-biased 'race placement' in an AI generated image of George Washington as far as I can tell, unless you ask for it], but I mention it anyway. And I have generally avoided google for a while now, MOSTLY because of TRACKING and ALGORITHMIC BIAS, ONLY doing google searches when DuckDuckGo searches aren't working well enough. And I doubt I'll be using ChatGPT or any of the others any time soon, for similar reasons. Still, DuckDuckGo (and I suppose Google) would still work for a lot of things where I get results that are useful on the first 2 pages. [the "site:" feature is the most useful feature I use to weed out MOST of the crap]
Oh, and Grok DOES LET ME SEE THE 15 PAGES ITS ALGORITHM FOUND... [at least as far as I can tell, correct me if I'm wrong please]
(yeah that wish was mentioned in the article, GOOD POINT by the way)
PIRATE Icon for the obvious reason.