Reply to post: Re: Genuine question!

Intel left a fascinating security flaw in its chips for 16 years – here's how to exploit it

Mike 16

Re: Genuine question!

-- I thought I was the only person on the planet who knew about it's existance. --

You, me, and all the wannabe PCjr cloners who heard the rumors that "peanut" would be 80188-based and pre-bought carloads. Than someone noticed that PC-DOS used "reserved for future expansion" interrupts as system calls, and Intel had assigned them to things like the on-board DMA engine. Other rumors suggest that IBM (and only IBM) were allowed to return their 80188s for credit on the 8088s they ended up using, but I was never a Rat Mouth confidante and as my Gran used to say upon hearing a rumor "Were you there?" Nope.

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