* Posts by Acme

3 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Mar 2017

'Twas the night before Y2K and a grinch stole the IT department's overtime payout


I'm AC - and so is my wife!

Brit prosecutors ask IT suppliers to fight over £3 USB cable tender


Re: Not just restricted to governments


Some years ago I read a similar story about a company chasing a $0.00 debt. In the story, he wrote a cheque for $0.00 - which caused the whole banking computer system to crash.

How to leak data from an air-gapped PC – using, er, a humble scanner


Re: A much simpler but less 'newsworthy' approach

Clock watching before I go home - but your story has reminded me of something that somewhere, probably on this very site, a story about the yanks in the cold war bribing engineers to install hidden cameras in the Russian photocopying machines. Then they would collect the film every couple of weeks!