* Posts by Danez

3 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Jun 2013

Confidence in US Congress sinks to lowest level ever recorded


Re: Not just the yanks

The problem with capitalism is that there is no restriction or limit to what a person can earn for a days work. It is an environment that rewards the greedy and people with sociopathic tendencies. What is a reasonable reward for working hard? Does the CEO or banker or whoever work 262 times harder. We all live in a symbiotic relationship with each other, and without all the little people who make the technology work, the people that make roads or soap powder or all the things they take for granted, the CEO or banker would just be a smelly, hungry, naked person in a field.

With regard to Communism, the socialist ideal is to have equality for all, Communism took that idea and twisted it to serve the interests of a minority. I believe that wealth and power should be distributed a lot more evenly among the populous. If all the cash was not being hoarded by a minority then it would probably be getting spent a whole lot more often, generating a bit of VAT every time.

I also find the idea of a professional politician offensive. I think we should be represented by people with real world experience, each for a period short enough that they don't get irrevocably changed, and develop the taste for power. Before you know it they would be buying an eye-patch and a cat and wanting to change the system to keep all the power to themselves.

"Fortunes cannot be made fairly. Wealth is created via unfair exchanges where customers are overcharged and employees are underpaid".(http://istealyourmoney.com/stupid.html)

The premise that market forces are some kind of panacea is deeply floored. Take the energy market, The "Big six" are quite happy with the status-quo and raise their prices in sync. This does not deliver the best deal for the consumer, nor will it ever.

I suppose the big question that comes out of all this, is how do you change the system without getting locked up for 600 years or becoming a professional politician?

NSA PRISM-gate: Relax, GCHQ spooks 'keep us safe', says Cameron

Big Brother

I feel safe now!!

All legal? Ok prove it!! Oh yeah you can't. Reassured by a professional truth-bender about something that can't be proven. I feel better now. Why not put a CCTV camera In everyone's front room( the innocent have nothing to fear). When Kim Jong-un was sabre-rattling last month, a common theme on the news was about how he (and his father) controlled North Korea by perpetuating a sense of fear in the population by repeatedly telling them they where under the threat of war. Seems to be quite a common approach.. If we didn't have the cold war and then the threat of terrorism, what would the US and UK governments spend all that tax money on? Do you think it is just a big protection racket?

NSA Prism: Why I'm boycotting US cloud tech - and you should too

Big Brother

One way ticket

There was a time when we had the cold war and government could justify maintaining its spook department, and keeping it from the eyes of the people. Then in 1988 when the final nails where going into the cold war's coffin, Al-Qaeda shows up, well that was convenient. It is a natural thing for some to seek power, whether it is by imposing sharia Law or using secret government departments that are beyond scrutiny. Ultimately they want as much control as they can get. I think the US government folks are really freaking about this brave new digital world where you can reach millions of people with the click of a mouse. It seriously changes the game and detracts from their power. That is why they impose such draconian prison terms. Their natural response is to try to get some power over this unwieldy beast. Remember, those who seek power are probably the last who should be trusted with it.