LBE Privacy Guard ....
.....lets you manage what permissions an app can actually use regardless of what it says it needs and also block wifi or 2/3g access.
Only works on rooted devices though.
9 publicly visible posts • joined 13 May 2008
I think you'll find that Hyper-V supports more that the few mentioned in the article. Maybe read this stuff ? I think the Datacentrer versions are designed for a Datacenter ?
The CLIENT OS, is different.
Rodrigo has got a fair point, but I'm quite looking forward to watching all the mid level "managers" running around worrying if their jobs are safe or not :) Be the most active they've been in years ! Also fun to watch them as they try to justify their existence.
Maybe they'll get rid of all the over "engineered" processes that we're forced to use too, like that useless SharePoint system.
How many re-orgs between now and the final hand-over I wonder ?
Flames, because it's going to crash and burn !