Reply to post: Re: Upside down 3.5" floppies

Fixing an upside-down USB plug: A case of supporting the insupportable

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Upside down 3.5" floppies

Try one of the first HP Laserjets with the doubleside print facility. Add a secretary who wants to print labels and forgets to disable the doubleside facility and you have hours of fun peeling labels out of the unit.

Bonus: the cavity where the page turns was at the bottom in the first Laserjet, and the absolute only way to reach it was to disassemble the thing from the top down.

Day one: taking the thing apart. No manual, but a nice large table to work on (they were *huge*).

Day two: removing all the labels and generally cleaning the thing out.

Day three: putting it all back together. Much to my amazement, no screws left - and it worked too..

I don't think I'll be able to repeat that now if for no other reason than eyesight, but it was interesting and it's fun working on something that is essentially written off - it means you can screw up and you're no worse off.

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