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I've got a broken combine harvester – but the manufacturer won't give me the software key

Malcolm Weir Silver badge

From a usability standpoint, almost all of the concerns (from both the user and the vendor) could have been simply addressed by a bit of forethought:

- Build _all_ the diagnostic routines into the machine. Sure, your on-board storage may grow, but that's a trivial cost.

- In the event of a problem, have the machine generate a full status / result dump internally, then encrypt it and sign with the manufacturer's public key.

- User dumps the encrypted dump to a USB key, and emails it to manufacturer.

- Manufacturer sends out replacement part by FedEx...

Yes, I know many will dislike the encryption, but _functionally_ this allows the manufacturer to retain control (their primary goal) without having to have people travel to troubleshoot, thereby accelerating the repair time (the user's primary goal).

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