Reply to post: Re: Silence is not encouraged,

Harassers and bullies succeed in tech because silence is encouraged

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Silence is not encouraged,

Signing a contract with clauses which disadvantage you is foolish and if you do, you have only yourself to blame.

Case in point: my current employer sent me a new contract to sign which contained a new, no-compete clause. Given that I work in a very specialised branch of IT, the no-compete clause would effectively make me unemployable for the two years that the clause covered.

I refused to sign the new contract unless they also added a golden parachute clause which gave me full pay for the duration of the no-compete clause. This is standard practise in the country where I live - a restrictive clause has to be matched with a complementary clause which prevents the restrictive clause from imposing an unreasonable burden.

They gave up once they realised I wouldn't let them treat me like an idiot.

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