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Bill Gates on climate change: Planting trees is not the answer, emissions need to be zeroed out to avoid disaster


FWIW: Most of Africa, (Certainly not all!), have yet to discover the "Dark Ages". I'm not raging on them because I'm some receest. Its as mater of fact in the same sense that rain is wet. Because things are the way they are there. They have to breed the way they do to maintain the populations they had / have.

Go read factfulness and get the very slightest clue about demographics and fertility in Africa. It's nothing as you describe (which sounds very much like what was taught in GCSE Geography circa 1998).

It was a little outdated then - teachers still spinning some of what they were taught at school - but is completely wrong now. In most of the world fertility is less than 2children per woman - basic replacement. Population is growing due to improved old-age care and a big cohort of kids coming through (bigger than the 70-90 cohort who are dying). Population growth will level off between 2050-2100 and fall by 2200. It's already happening.

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