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Popular open-source library SDL moving development to GitHub despite 'calamitous design choices' in git

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Bah. The new generation, like the previous generation, is always worse than the current generation.

On a more serious note, I try to avoid the error of believing my personal preferences are evidence of superiority. (I mean superiority in the things I prefer; obviously they're evidence of my personal superiority.) My preferred editor is vim, and I get cranky1 if I'm asked to use anything else. But I'd never suggest anyone else should adopt vim. I mean, if you like it, great; but it is a relic of another time and does not objectively make sense for most users.

I've used git for years, and I continue to hate it. But I think it is appropriate for its intended application. And that it's wildly misused for other things, so I don't see any reason to cheer its spread. You may feel differently, but that is not, in itself, evidence that git's dominance is a good thing.

1I was going to write "I get unpleasant", but then it occurred to me that I'm always unpleasant.

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