Reply to post: @ecofeco Re: @Overunder Am I bad for not...

Google, Apple sued for failing to give Telegram chat app the Parler put-down treatment

Anonymous Coward

@ecofeco Re: @Overunder Am I bad for not...

No, it was not a big mistake to defend the right for the neoNazi group to march down main street Skokie.

Nor was it wrong for the heavy police presence to defend them.

At the time of writing this, 3 down votes to my post. While everyone is free to upvote/down vote, I want you to think about what I wrote that would be worthy of a down vote.

As I said, I don't agree with the neoNazi group. My father was 14th Armor and before he could rotate home, he had to guard suspected Nazis in a Dachau sub camp outside of Munich. There are other stories, I can tell. Including one from one of his friends who grew up in Germany during the war and experienced the Nazis first hand.

But I digress. The point is that if you start to censor speech, or deem everything to be hate speech, where do you draw the line.

Should Mark Zuckerberg take down 'Jews for Jesus' from FB because he's Jewish and finds their site to be distasteful? Or what they did do was take down a site set up by young Republicans who are against Joe Biden. (This is true...)

The scary thing is that there are people, like yourself who haven't been taught history properly and/or a civics class / ethics class which deals with speech.

I guess you're too young to remember the court case which allowed people to burn the American flag. (SCOTUS ruled that it was an expression of free speech and thus protected under the 1st.) Before that... Boy Scouts could burn the flag w a proper ceremony. (You can actually look it up)

As I said before... I may not agree with you, but I will defend your write to speak your mind.

That is quintessential of what it means to be an American.

Unfortunately too many in the DNC have forgotten it.

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