Reply to post: Re: Assuming that were not the case. And what happes to people who don't own phones?

Australia's contact-tracing app regulation avoids 'woolly' principles in comparable cyber-laws, say lawyers

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Assuming that were not the case. And what happes to people who don't own phones?

" You could say that all speed limit laws are unacceptable because governments could set them to zero to restrict movement."

Could? They already are using them for that. By public documentation. Not zero, too obvious, but 30km/h / 20mph.

"A good precaution is to mandate that the app be open source."

App is irrelevant when it's the OS which does all the collecting and app is just a UI for OS service, via API. Delete the app, collection continues and is still reported to Google.

That's how it works in Android, according to Google. Also they promise not to collect IDs with all the data they slurp from the phone all the time. Anyone who believes that is a moron.

Funny thing, *that* part of Android isn't open source, it's not even available anything else than encrypted binary. Gee, I wonder why.

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