Reply to post: Re: Shafting

Early adopters delighted as Microsoft pulls plug on Mobile Backend as a Service. Haha, only joking – they're fuming


Re: Shafting

They did the same with Windows phone. By which I mean burned their early adoptors.

I was sent one by O2 to try out. What it did well, I liked, but it was very early days of Phone 7 and there were not so much rough edges, as just completely missing capabiltities - it felt very much like a pre-v1 iPhone.

Then MS decided to start again and threw all of their early adoptors under a bus - you simply couldn't upgrade an existing handset. And it always struck me that they could have fairly easily forked their newer phone OS to only include bits the existing hardware would've supported, but no.

I think that, more than anything else, was the number one reason MS's foray into mobiles died on its arse. Users spent their hard earned currency to buy into a new ecosystem only to be completely abandoned...

But at lease MS appear to have learned from that and...oh, hang on.

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