Reply to post: Re: bah

Brave, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla gather together to talk web privacy... and why we all shouldn't get too much of it


Re: bah

I completely agree. I'm OK with seeing advertising on sites, and am OK for many sites to be funded this way.

The outrageously invasive and sometimes illegal tactics that advertising brokers utilise to harvest private data is the problem for me. The companies who pay to place ads don't need or ask for that amount of targeting.

For example a site I want to support showed me the message "Please disable your ad blocker" so I did because I wanted to support them. However their advertising partner refused to display and ads, and I got the same message this time asking me to disable my privacy blocker. I wasn't prepared to do that. So the site loses out on advertising, just because the middle-man is playing hard ball.

Also I have had legit sites serve me scams and malware via their advertising integrations. It is not OK to do that, and don't complain that I'm denying advertising revenue if they allow people to attack me through their site if I enable ads.

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