Reply to post: Re: Maybe not such a bad thing

Huawei's P40 and P40 Pro handsets will not ship with Google Mobile Services, Richard Yu confirms

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Maybe not such a bad thing

> I really don't see why we have no European Alternative to Google

Because we were colonised, physically (Germany, "Eastern" Europe) and economically (Marshal plan) after the war. Fair enough, you could say we shouldn't have started not one but two wars or scattered our resources (and morals) trying to do the colonial shit, I am not blaming anyone else here.

There is that and there is the mindless petty nationalisms that, while fine from a cultural point of view if you want to be proud of whichever country has issued your last passport, really shouldn't get in the way of neither social nor economic development. But national governments play for their national audiences and the EU is where they dump all the has-beens and all the never-wills.

And because European "start-ups" (mind the quotes) are all trying to copy Silly Valley, blissfully unaware that we're not Silly Valley, instead of trying to build better and truly innovative things in a better and truly innovative way.

But apart from that, no reason.

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