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Report: Women make up just 17% of IT workforce, paid 15% less than men

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Have they done the same study in China?

I can guarantee that white and black people will be underrepresented at every level in society and I would like to know what is going to be done about it as clearly that is an even more serious problem.

This ones for the ladies, please please do your homework when applying for roles, look at what the going rate is and demand you get it, if you've been with the same company for a few years discuss pay rises and again see if the increase in experience should translate to higher pay. If you have to quit a job for better pay then do it. If you find out a colleague is on higher pay tell your manager that you should be paid the same but justify why so there is no excuse for them not to. These are all the things I do so I get the going rate, don't get me wrong I know there is a pay gap and it is wrong but the only people that can change it are yourselves because no company is going to pay you more if it can get away with it. Those are the facts.

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