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Sleuths unearth 'Panic Mode' in Android, set off by mashing back button

BinkyTheMagicPaperclip Silver badge

That's great, up until the point when the 'unimportant' background task loses data and the user whinges, because the machine isn't fast enough or a task is poorly programmed.

In reality non server OS do exactly what you specify : foreground tasks get a performance boost over background tasks.

You do realise that a phone call on a smartphone is by nature a background task, so by your logic if you're busy in a game consuming plenty of CPU, the smartphone should drop the call and let you get on with squashing monsters

In short, it's not easy, and users get very annoyed when a dialog box pops up saying 'your computer is no longer fast enough to run more than one modern app at a time, please spend four hundred quid and try again'

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