Reply to post: Re: >So Mr Average uses his smart phone as an Alarm clock and map.

Maps and alarm clocks best thing about mobes, say normies

Nick Ryan Silver badge

Re: >So Mr Average uses his smart phone as an Alarm clock and map.

What does that even mean?

I think it means that the headphone cables and jacks have not been made out of unicorn hair spliced with unobtanium and the levels noise balanced with the device resting on 99.8% pure copper pins set in a 1970s breeze block in a large sonically padded and magnetically shielded room.

Blue light. Meh. Just have to love the impressionable. Just switch the damn ebook reader to the yellowish colour scheme as this somewhat reduces the blue component output in the RGB display. Or engage the OSes blue colour reduction screen profile.

As for the wrist watch comments? Huh? A device that has no, or few, buttons compared to a device with loads of them is more unclean? I'm yet to understand the logic on this.

Also, if somebody calls there is no requirement, legal or otherwise, to answer the bloody thing. How about putting the device on silent or low volume unless you're expecting calls, then you can call back if you like. Actually, this is the one thing that a "smart-watch" actually does well, you can quickly check the caller without taking the phone out of your pocket.

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