Reply to post: I don't see how this would be a problem for Apple

Line by line, how the US anti-encryption bill will kill our privacy, security

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

I don't see how this would be a problem for Apple

They are going to make it so it is impossible to get at the data under any circumstances. Obviously I haven't read the full text, but what I have seen doesn't seem to require that they perform the impossible. So if presented with an iPhone 5c they might be forced to create a hacked OS to help the FBI break in, but if presented with an iPhone running iOS 10 that includes the changes that make it impossible to Apple to help, the FBI will get the court order and Apple will say "what you are asking is impossible".

If the government could compel impossible things they should just have a court order that compels Apple to hand over a list of every active terrorist in the world and where they are located. That would save a lot of hassle trying to decrypt phones and doing police work if you assume you can force someone to pull a rabbit out of a hat.

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