Reply to post: Re: Interesting times

Jeremy Corbyn wins Labour leadership election

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Interesting times

>> Terrorist state occupying Palestine surely?

Greetings Adolf. Glad you are flagging your stupidity, bias and ignorance by conflating Judaism with Israel, the state. I suppose that makes any action by, for example, Great Britain or any of the Queen's realms an Anglican Christian invasion, as Britain is formally an Anglican country..

So you agree with the various Arab countries and regimes complaining of Christians invading them in a new crusade?

As for the nasties writing nonsense about self reliance and the generosity of zero hours contracts:

1. We are not all born equal, in intelligence, physically, in health and, in these days of expensive university education, of means to get education.

2. The mark of a civilised and able society is that it supports all its members at all times, in sickness and in health, in prosperous and hard times. No doubt you would be happy to conscript those you despise, in order to fight in wars to protect the society that you exploit so successfully.

3. I was alive and working during the seventies. Surprise, surprise: they were fun. Britain was more respected then than now. We still made things and our culture became world wide, whether pop, rock or classical, written or visual, with rather less kowtowing to the USA. We maintained decency towards each other without panic despite the IRA at full blast (much more intrusive than the current set of bogey-men being used to justify control).

4. Britain was no alway right wing, far from it. For some time the USA deigned to describe us as socialist - something of a compliment from them. Hence Britain opposed, eventually, slavery, child labour, introduced factories laws, pensions, universal suffrage, free and compulsory education, universal health care. Even the old workhouses, with all their faults, were an attempt at social welfare, thought tainted by the Gradgrinds of this world.

I have got no idea how Corbin will turn out. I find him only marginally preferable to the ignorant Cameron. But as said before, a large part ot fhe population will agree with much of what he says and may at last regain some influence over those who receive the benefit of our taxes and labour.

Yes, anonymous because the nastiness of some of the posts is distinclty off-putting.

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