Reply to post: Re: CR-Con-Rad Re: You seem to be misunderstanding.

Inequality increasing? BOLLOCKS! You heard me: 'Screw the 1%'

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: CR-Con-Rad Re: You seem to be misunderstanding.

"...,Silly me.... ". Yup.

"....and stupid Adam Smith and J.M. Keynes...." You are simply misapplying their writings. In a stupid way.

"...for ever thinking that employment would follow demand...." Yes, you failed to notice the 'follow' bit, as in 'take away Learjet and Veyron builder jobs and theirs current income and force them to retrain and wait for new jobs that may come about, and just hope they manage for that gap without an income whilst the demand adapts'. Strangely enough Lefties have no problem asking the employees of 'luxury goods' companies to swallow such a loss of income and job security, but seem to get very upset when it is applied to more traditional socialist voting groups such as miners, steelworkers, shipyard workers, dockers, etc., etc. Their hypocrisy is quite marked - whilst they have no problem removing the livelihoods of workers for luxury car manufacturers such as Bugatti, they are all out to support 'the comrades' when it is more commoner fare such as British Leyland. Beyond duh!

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