By Anonymous Coward
Posted Thursday 7th August 2008 16:18 GMT
Paris ... Breeder
Kindly keep you nightmare apocalypse scenarios to yourself
43 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Sep 2007
I guess bogan would be the closest answer but don't think it is the right match
Are the parents of chav's still referred to as chav's or it it just the young generation?
Also we don't really refer to the little hoddie wearing, hiphop/rap listening shits as bogans
And Jon I think you are confusing us with the kiwis
heart for the love we all feel for our inner bogan
Hmmm the hotel room still isn't quote right as Tom has pointed out.
Maybe a better example would be coming to a city and staying at a friends house, or even better using a site like couch surfer.
By offering a room for them to stay in they are depriving the hotel of a sale. But if they had to pay for a the room then maybe they would never have come in the first place.
Still not right as the quality and experience would be different but just trying to expand on your example.
i am sure people will come up with a valid metaphor one day
This always was and always will be about buy votes to get re-elected.
Based on their "not overly optimistic" figures then 2.5 mil votes for a cost of $85m equals around $34 a vote.
As a once off that is a much better outcome for them than offering tax cuts that are then ongoing.
"Other than that if you can't trust your kids to do the right thing, then they can't use the computer"
If you can't trust your kids to do the right thing, then having them use a computer would be the least of your worries
From what I have seen the air car has potential as a city driving vehicle which is what most people use their car for anyway
I don't know anything about the corresponding production footprint so there may be an issue there.
The only concern I have is that while people still choose to drive around in war wagons then safety is still to much of an issue.
Dead vulture as compressed air would obviously be cold not hot
Einstein was a veggie for only a year or so, about when his brain started to get addled :P
I don't have much of a problem with vegetarians except when they expect me to go out of my way for them. I remember one time I was at a friends place for a BBQ. A friend of a friend who came to his house started ordering him not to put any meat on his bbq as they were cutting up vegetables to cook.
Needless to say a nice juicy steak was dropped immediately on to the hot plate.
As with most lifestyle choices you can do what you like, start trying to force me to change my choices and you will cop it
Flame icon as it reminds me of a bbq
The alter g is interesting but not much use for what they are testing. "removes all the normal, longitudinal forces experienced by the body in normal gravity"
Although you wouldn't want to eat to many beans before using one, Increase the pressure in the dome and you wouldn't get much of a workout at all
I just saw some figures that showed 270,000,000 passengers on public transport in a year.
If we remove public transport each of these 270,000,000 passengers would need to by a car. That is $4,050,000,000,000 that our automotive industry is missing out on each year. Ban public transport immediately for the good of the economy.
Your coping a lot of flak but you have a point. As usual a lot of el reg readers are forgetting that not everybody is a knowledgeable as us
Assume I was just starting out in programming and somebody mentioned PERL to me. I think that sounds interesting so I go to PERL.com. I then get a whole bunch of p0rn links and popups.
Getting that from an official site isn't going to do much for my opinion of the language.
I how many of the signatures will be from nobel prize winners and how many from the latest pop idol/sporting "role model"
While the initial selection appears to include a large percentage of people who actually did something, I think this will go downhill fast.
I'm sure that the people who want Winston Churchill's signature would have enough smarts to get it on their phone
Although if they can get Steve's signature for the iphone they have a ready market of fanbois who will be happy to party with their hard earned dosh
"If CNN put a game on their site that contained someone else's intellectual property, but generated much traffic (and hence revenue from advertising), think they would be the criminals, not the people who coded it..."
But the point is it is the developers who get the revenue from advertising. Otherwise an IP/trademark/copyright issue online would be the fault of the hosting provider
The reason that these people ring these programs is that it gives them a feeling on control. You know I hold your future in the palm of my hand and I have a phone and I'm not afraid to use it.
They are upset because their feeling of control was taken away and they realised they are just a sad pathetic git sitting at home, wasting money on a crap tv show.
great work Mostor, might have to teach the kids that one if I find them being taught the "new and improved version"
At AC in regards the the use of the N-word. If used in the same context as it is in the song I don't think most people would have a problem with it. Calling your mate a nigger when they are listening to rap music isn't that offensive.
But you are also comparing apples to oranges in a way. There is much more history and negative energy associated with Nigger than Faggot.
Down here in OZ the ACCC has issued statements to the effect that you are unable to use the term unlimited in advertising for plans. Even for plans that are shaped with no excess charges.
While I agree with that it just means that the ISP took another word and twisted the meaning in the small print
The previous best I had heard was a 13 K bill
I understand your point about the racism/sexism in the ads and I do agree with your point in some regards. But as it has been stated before all ads are targeted to a specific demographic be that gender, age, race, wealth or some other factor
When you start using lines like "the misandry that has infected our government and our country" you are moving the conversation from the ad to a country wide issue that, at least in my eyes, is a separate issue in which I think we would have similar opinion.
As for the "slut" defense. The small pinkie gesture is not very insulting, how many of you have never used the a variation of the phrase "Don't be such a girl/pussy" or "You don't have the balls to do that" with your mates.
Compare that to the number of you who would call a female friend a slut to her face.
If somebody said I had a small dick and expected me to be offended I would assume they were try to compensate for something
Man what a bunch of whiny posters we have on today.
If a random ad targeting a group, that you have some resemblance to, makes a innuendo about the size of your wedding tackle and you get offended I'm sorry but I'm guessing that all the chicks laughing when you drop your pants has given you a complex
There are guys out there who engage in reckless behavior to prove what a man they are. This ad is targeting them. If you aren't one of these people there is nothing to get upset about and if you are maybe you should take a step back and look at your actions
Doesn't every windows system have some errors in the registry. I guess calling them critical was deceiving but an alert that said you have errors in your registry would, I assume, be legal.
However in relation to the fine while it is lower than I would like at least it isn't like spammers where you get fined an d still make a profit
fleeced "hundreds" (eg. 300) x $30 = $9,000
$9,000 - $25,000 = -$16,000
But I guess it depends on what 100s mean and also if that was the total number 'fleeced'
Again this comes down to the perversion of what is acceptable
Simulating sexual acts via chat(and some form of bumping into each other) is wrong but there is nothing wrong with the following statements
- Lets go kill more creatures
- A guy from school I don't like plays that character lets PVP him
- I need some help to kill this guy cause he killed a mob that I hit first
Violence = Good
Sexual activity = Bad