Arm chair activists are wusses. The are incredibly selfish. The did this stuff to make themselves feel better. What did he accomplish? Nothing. Well..that's not true. He's sounded the beginning of the end of open source in the corporate work place. I'm fine with this - I've said for a long time it's a serious mistake to use something controlled by small number of people in a corporate application. Angular? Sure. This one guy and his library? Hell no. Why? Because even smart people are stupid. So I sort of want to thank him for kickstarting this.
Past that...I have no use for him. What was this supposed to do? Awareness? Pretty sure everyone knows about it. Stop Russia? Yeah. Sure. So it accomplished...nothing. Zero. Nada. If anything, he has distracted people from the war. Gratz dude.
I don't really care if he had the 'right' to do this or not. I'm on the side of 'why did you trust him in the first place?'
No one will use this library or anything else he writes going forward. He will forever be the guy that is willing to sabotage millions of people's work for....essentially no reason. No one will want to hire him. He has no integrity. He cannot be trusted. That's his accomplishment.