Re: Please explain to me
Problem is a bit more complex than Edge being default or even being there to begin with.
In the past, URL protocol handlers and file extensions were up for grabs in the Windows Registry. Many programs re-associated themselves to the files and protocols they support on startup leading to frustration as two or more image viewers, browsers, or media players kept hijacking the extensions and protocols from each other.
Then Microsoft decided that user should have control and added a mechanism to prevent association changes not initiated by the user through, among other things, including a hash of the chosen program. So we went from programs overwriting each other registry keys to programs registering what they can handle and letting the user choose and once the choice was made it was locked.
Little did we know that Microsoft left a way for themselves to take over those associations without user input. So it turns out that they didn't do that change to protect the users from badly written apps as much as they did it so they can do things other software developers cannot do.
Add to that Edge tabs integration in Alt-Tab app switching in System settings (something no other browser can expect to do) and you hopefully understand that people are pissed that Microsoft is once again abusing their private interfaces in anpther product (Windows) to give an Edge (pun intended) to their other product, which is a textbook example of abusing dominance in one market (OS) to gain unfair advantage in another (browser search).
And before you say "Google does similar shit", yes they do but most people aren't paying for Google services while everyone is paying for a Windows license.