Re: Strictly transactional RUMP move: everybody absolutely LOVES Musk...look at all them votes!
Accelerate the process: let's break up the world's monopoly of rich people into lots of smaller people and distribute the assets according to need.
800 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Mar 2022
And my phone is pestering me with messages from banks that I have no account with telling me to "verify my login details", the post office for parcels I haven't ordered, the tax office of whom I can tell whenever I want to the nearest cent where my liabilities stand, non-existent missed phone calls from numbers that differ from mine only by the last two digits, or numbers that cannot exist in the national numbering scheme, or private numbers that call me and just give a recorded message saying "Goodbye", and people still wonder why electronic fraud is an industry in the terms of billions of dollars.
If you build a system that can be manipulated, it will be manipulated more often for fraud than for valid reasons.
But no-one's doing anything dodgy, oh no.
Just imagine how the Voynich Manuscript person feels about how their thesis was treated.
Even more important is how gracefully you refuse to take responsibility for the things for which you are self-evidently responsible, which turn out in retrospect to have been mistakes.
"I misspoke." Bullshit. You said something which did not articulate your actual thoughts, huh? Then why was what you said a cogent series of arguments? You explained your point of view very clearly. It turns out the point of view happens to be odious.
You've been caught being an honest, if self-absorbed and out-of-touch billionaire, so naturally you "regret your error." Please tell us exactly, what is the error you regret?
Curious to know what the point of view of the CCP is about putting strong encryption, as built into both the CPU and the kernel, into the hands of ordinary citizens.
Even if the modules / software aren't distributed with the distro, knowing that conversations that the government cannot read are only a bash script away sounds like exactly the sort of thing that makes Xi paranoid nervous.
Downvotes for re-posting relevant reportage? Really? Or is it just a thing the media outlets you access are failing to attend to?
The thread up to this point has been a discussion of the political affiliation of the deceased. No judgement in the word conservative per se.
Wanting Mango Largo off the scene doesn't automatically make you a woke liberal left-wing mainstream media LGBTIQ+ Democrat, and vice versa.
Glad you mentioned that. PTV have diverged from their standard rhinos-on-skateboards metric; that seems to be for trams only. For buses, the units are hippos on rollerskates.
Preferential systems have that advantage of making populist extremism much less likely to succeed.
Suppose (for example) you have centre-left, centre-right and far-right candidates. Even if the far-right candidate is more popular than either of the centrists, unless the centre-right supporters are prepared to hold their nose and vote for an extremist, the tendency will be for the extremist to be eliminated on preferences.
Add in compulsory voting and you can argue that the government actually reflects the will of the majority of the electorate. A novel idea in a democracy, but you have to start somewhere...
Okay then, a kernel and a userspace created as collaborative online project by volunteers and now used by millions (free of charge) are more reliable and secure than a commercial product, developed decades ago and under constant development with no expense spared.
William Joyce led with the Irish (then German) citizen defence.
According to sworn evidence, he applied for a British Passport, which made him a person owing allegiance to the British Crown.
Technically, he was executed for making a false statement on a passport application. Bloody red tape, eh?
People who say that about Cnut have the wrong end of the stick.
If you think he stood on the beach, commanded the tide not to come in, and got embarrassingly wet, that's the opposite of what happened.
He was surrounded by fawning sycophants who were so brown-nosed they told him he could stand on the beach and command the tides, because he was so powerful. By calling their bluff and showing them the limits of what is humanly possible, he proved what clowns they were to be so ludicrously sycophantic.
When the day comes that Musk dismisses a sycophant for what they are, I'll eat my hat.
It is tragic that the two feudal empires that survived into the 20th century, Russia and China, made it into the 21st without experiencing all of freedom, stability and peace at the same time. Now they're exporting the reason - leadership paranoia - to the parts of the world that did, on an industrial scale.