Re: Power or energy?
Plug them into one of those Small Modular Nuclear Reactors, and just keep shooting.
What could possibly go wrong?
794 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Mar 2022
No, his title is: Charles III, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
In the United Kingdom, his title is Charles III, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
In Canada, he is King of Canada.
In Australia, he is King of Australia.
In New Zealand, he is King of New Zealand.
In Tuvalu, he is King of Tuvalu.
What's your point? If I ask you to calculate the volume of a cube 39 11/32 inches, it will be a damn sight easier for me to tell you it's one cubic metre because I've chosen the value in my unit of preference.
Converting across measurements becomes inherently easier when units are directly correlated. Tell me how wide and deep an Olympic swimming pool is and I'll tell you how much water you need to fill it in about five seconds. Try doing that in mediaeval units.
It took more than two hundred years for Australia's highest court to remind us officially that there's more than one sovereignty in this land. Think about that for a minute. That's a fact that some people have yet to assimilate, and looks like taking a long time yet to reconcile. Education is hard work.
Unstolen native title endures (Mabo). Temporary alienation of native title is reversible (Wik). That's the law of the land.
It's easy to be dismissive or in denial, but it's real, and it matters.
Cheers from Yawuru country!
Jim Hacker had that one covered (excuse cut-and-paste):
> Hacker: ...the Americans will always protect us from the Russians, won't they?
> Sir Humphrey: Russians? Who's talking about the Russians?
> Hacker: Well, the independent deterrent.
> Sir Humphrey: It's to protect us against the French!
> Hacker: The French?! But that's astounding!
> Sir Humphrey: Why?
> Hacker: Well they're our allies, our partners.
> Sir Humphrey: Well, they are now, but they've been our enemies for the most of the past 900 years. If they've got the bomb, we must have the bomb!
> Hacker: If it's for the French, of course, that's different. Makes a lot of sense.
> Sir Humphrey: Yes. Can't trust the Frogs.
> Hacker: You can say that again!
First thing you do going into an operating theatre to drive an anaesthetic machine is unplug every connection one at a time, to make sure the alarm activates, then manually silence the alarm after plugging it back in, and making sure it stays silenced.
An anaesthetic machine's POST takes about 5 minutes, with all sorts of interesting noises, leaking hissy sounds and alarms as it artificially generates all of the situations that would be bad if they happened manually.
Ventilators I've used have had power redundancy and an "are you sure" stupidity filter built in some somewhere. This includes one with an ingenious emergency power generator operated by the pressure gradient from the oxygen supply - not even batteries required!
Pushing the power button generally only activates an appropriately annoying alarm, and unless you put it into the intermediate stage of standby between keeping someone alive and powering off, they keep trying to keep someone alive. They get cunning at working out if a tube gets unplugged somewhere, too.
And if the ventilator doesn't alarm as it dies, the pulse oximeter or capnograph will, before the patient does.
Knowing how to turn it off is mandatory if you're about to withdraw active treatment. Embarrassing for someone's final moments to be accompanied by annoying electronic bleeping...
Sounds like the bed-bound assassin was observant enough to watch how the nurse / doctor did it.
Trees need both. They take in water and CO2 to make oxygen and glucose which becomes cellulose. But they use oxygen and glucose to drive cellular metabolism, just like us.
They are net consumers of CO2 and net producers of O2, they just make more O2 than they use.
Glad there exists at least one Seppo who knows what momentarily really means.
I imagine thousands of people reading the advisory with bated breath, expecting their taskbar to disappear. Any moment now... Any second...
Bastards! You said it would be happening momentarily! I'm still waiting!
Musk bought Twitter.
Musk fired half of Twitter's employees.
Musk delivered an ultimatum to the remaining half to sign up to indefinite servitude, quit if you don't like it.
Attrition from exhaustion / disgust / insanity digests Musk's version from the inside.
Fired employees start their own Twitter-equivalent, taking on those who reject the Musk-flavoured alternate reality.
This is Theseus' Ship, isn't it?
GOMER hearks back to Samuel Shem's The House of God, essential reading for anyone embarking on a career in hospital medicine.
Last thing we did the night they closed our old Emergency Department before they demolished it was to write the 10 Commandments on the wall...
Yes, but only to simulate.
Many people predicted this would be a permanent acceleration that would continue even after the pandemic ended. I did too, so I made the decision to significantly increase our investments. Unfortunately, this did not play out the way I expected.
"Not only has online commerce returned to prior trends, but the macroeconomic downturn, increased competition, and ads signal loss have caused our revenue to be much lower than I'd expected. I got this wrong, and I take responsibility for that."
Taking responsibility would be keeping employees on payroll and funding their salaries out of his personal fortune.
Rule one: never lose money
Rule two: see rule one
Nazi: If you're not Aryan, I don't care if you live or die. If you get in my way, I'll kill you.
Climate change denier: I don't care if you live or die. If you stop me and my mates getting richer, I'll take away your means of survival. Either I'll buy it so I can survive, or help entropy destroy it.
Gone, but not forgotten. He was a true master of deadpan comedy. Reading of the trials and tribulations of the Australian Farnarkeling team on its world tour even now brings a tear to the eye.
Other interviews worth seeking out are PM Bob Hawke concerning his prostate operation and Education Minister John Dawkins on the best way to buy chalk.
The warrant was a court order to submit the data in question to the court, so that the court can decide for itself what laws, if any, apply to its status as evidence and its content.
Google's response to the warrant is "The dog ate my homework."