Re: It's only $6 billion
Do not assume that IBM's motives are always evil. They probably are highly dependent on Hashicorp which is #1 in the USA; It's a key component of the Linux open source and cloud community, and remember that IBM runs a cloud that is trying to catch up "To the big 3". And they see that HashiCorp is being managed just terribly, horribly, the company is floundering, the CEO is a lunk who is pissing off all the customers, and HashCorp's cloud offerings are being abandoned in droves, and this company that IBM depends upon is endangered. If the price goes low enough they might buy it just to fix the shitstorm that HashiCorp created, all by themselves. They might buy it just so nobody else buys it to shut it down (Broadcom) or twist it to fit their own needs (Broadcom).