Re: Change has to start the second they're born
Real quick: I'm one of the girls of this generation. While it is absolutely important to rethink the way we restrict children to gender roles, I'd also like to consider why we think that "girly interests" are so completely incompatible with getting into STEM, or sports, or dinosaurs for that matter. I know that it's important to get more girls into STEM (I am one!), I need to push back on the idea that you do that by rejecting all traces of "girly shit", because that also leads to people acting like girly things are inferior. (See, in your own message: "silly girl toys", and treating toy cars as an inherently "better" and more valuable interest than girly dolls.)
I don't know how to phrase this coherently, and I do think the way you raised your daughter is brilliant and you should be very proud - I just want to highlight that masculinity is not inherently better, or more compatible with STEM fields.
My reason for switching to Linux was to make my whole desktop purple.